Placing a Crew En Route from Crew Info
If a crew has been assigned to an event, you can place the crew en route to the event using Crew Info.
To place the crew en route to the assigned event, complete these steps:
1. In Crew Info, select the event from the Current Assignments table. The toolbar buttons become enabled.
2. Click the Place En Route button () and the crew is placed en route to the event.
You can place a crew en route to a device in the Viewer either by dragging a crew icon from the Crew Actions window to the affected device in the Viewer or by dragging a crew symbol on another device already in a Viewer to the affected device.
Note: You can cancel the in-progress dispatch or crew move by pressing the Esc key or by dragging the crew outside the Viewer and releasing the mouse button.
Updating Active Job Event Information
To update event information, complete these steps:
1. To update the estimated restore date and time, enter the time it will take to restore the event and click the Update Time button. The Est Restore Date and time will change accordingly. You can also directly edit the estimated restore date and time field.
2. You can add event notes in the Operations Event Notes field.
3. Click Apply and your changes are saved.
Moving a Crew
Moving a crew does not change the event the crew is en route to, rather, it moves the crew to another device location and keeps it associated with the same event. By default, Oracle Utilities Network Management System locates a crew at the predicted or confirmed clearing device so that graphically the crew appears to be at the same location as the outage symbol in the Viewer. In some cases, the crew may actually have to work at a location different from the clearing device.
Note: You are not required to move the crew to the actual device location, but moving the crew can help you better keep track of what is going on in the field.