Changing Storm Types
The storm type listed in the Special Condition drop-down list is linked to a specific set of historical average values. If the characteristics of a zone's storm change, you can change the Special Condition value and have the system use a new set of historical average values in its estimate calculations for that zone.
To change the Special Condition storm type, complete these steps:
1. Make sure the currently selected control zone is at the simulation level and operating in storm mode.
2. In the Storm Information pane, select the new storm type from the Special Condition drop-down list.
3. Click the Save Changes button or select Save Changes from the System menu.
The Storm Report pane immediately repopulates with the historical averages for the new storm type.
Any child zones of the currently selected zone that are also part of this same storm will receive the new storm type as well.
Storm Management will use the historical average values that apply to the new storm type when recalculating estimates for events in that control zone, as well as its child zones that belong to the same storm, during the next scheduled simulation iteration.
Example of Changing Storm Types
For example, the Branch level of the control zone hierarchy is the simulation level. A Wind/Rain storm was defined for the Stark branch zones, which includes the Lake, Alliance, and Massillon zones. However, the temperature in the Alliance zone was cold enough for ice to form. The Special Condition in the Stark zone is set to Wind/Rain storm, so estimates being calculated for Alliance could be inaccurate due to the increased travel time involved in the icy conditions observed there.
If you change Special Condition in the Alliance zone to Ice, the historical value averages in the Storm Report repopulate with values appropriate for an ice storm. When the next scheduled simulation iteration occurs, the events in the Alliance zone receive estimates calculated using the historical averages for Ice, while the events in all other control zones in the Stark region continue to receive estimates calculated using the historical averages for Wind/Rain.