Exiting Storm Mode
To exit storm mode for a selected control zone, do one of the following:
Select the Toggle Storm Mode option from the System menu, or
Click the Toggle Storm Mode button on the toolbar.
These options are only available if the currently selected control zone is operating in real-time mode and storm mode.
Define Storm Dialog
Once you press the Toggle Storm Mode, the Define Storm dialog box opens, prompting you for the End Date of the storm in this zone.
The Define Storm dialog box displays the following fields:
The Zone field displays the name of the currently selected zone. This control zone and all of its children that aren't already in non-storm mode will be placed into non-storm mode, ending the storm in this zones. This field is not editable.
The Storm Name field displays the name of the storm. This field is not editable.
The Special Condition field displays a storm type that indicates a predefined condition existing with the storm. This condition may also dictate a different set of historical average values be used in the estimate calculations made by the system. This field is not editable.
The Storm Level field displays the severity level for the storm. This value is recorded for information and reporting purposes only and has no effect on the estimate calculations. This field is not editable.
The Start Date field displays the date time at which the storm started in this zone. This field is not editable.
The End Date field contains the date and time at which the storm ended in this zone. When you deselect the Use Current Time option, the Date/Time field becomes editable. Valid dates and times are those prior to (and including) the current time. If your entry is invalid, an error message appears. Click OK to close the message and correct the error.
The Use Current Time check box is selected by default. This option allows you to leave the End Date field blank and have the current system time on the server be used as the End Date of the storm in this zone.
Setting the Storm End Date
To set the storm's end date, complete these steps:
1. Select a date and time for the storm's end date. Either:
Leave the Use Current Time option selected.
Deselect the Use Current Time option. Edit the date/time in the Date/Time field. Click OK. Valid dates are those between the start date and time of the storm and the current date and time.
2. Click the Ok button on the Define Storm dialog box.
Storm Management returns to non-storm mode for the selected control zone.
If the control zone had any child zones in the same storm, the child zones are also returned to non-storm mode.
Note: The Cancel button discards the End Date without saving it. The Define Storm dialog box closes and the currently selected control zone stays in storm mode.