Storm Management Window
Because the engine that generates the estimated assessment and restoration times for each event is a separate process, you do not need to have a Storm Management window open in order for the estimates to be calculated. The main purpose of the Storm Management window is to enable you to monitor and analyze the estimates from overall control zone perspective, and to manipulate several of the parameters that are used to generate the estimates.
Given that it's not required to have a Storm Management window open to generate the estimates, after each periodic calculation of the estimates, the results are not pushed out to the Storm Management windows by the engine. Instead, each Storm Management window that's open has its own timer that it uses to periodically retrieve the latest information from the engine automatically.
Non-Storm Mode Algorithm
For an event that resides in a control zone that is operating under non-storm mode, the calculation of its estimated assessment and estimated restoration times is as follows:
Look up the historical average values that pertain to an event with its characteristics.
Verify whether or not an assessment has already been made for the event (if JOBS.ACT_ASSESS_TIME is non-null).
If assessment has been made:
The repair time assessment provided (JOBS.EST_REPAIR_MINUTES) will be used in the calculation rather than the historical Repair average.
Verify whether or not a crew is currently onsite for this event.
If a crew is onsite:
Check the crew type to verify whether or not this type of crew is one that can repair this event.
If crew can repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The actual repair time assessment (JOBS.EST_REPAIR_MINUTES) is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If crew cannot repair:
It is assumed that the onsite crew is there to perform the assessment, and another crew must be sent out to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average and the actual repair time assessment are added to the time at which the repair time assessment was provided (JOBS.ACT_ASSESS_TIME) to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If a crew is not onsite:
The historical Travel to Repair average and the actual repair time assessment are added to the time at which the repair time assessment was provided (JOBS.ACT_ASSESS_TIME) to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If no assessment has yet been made:
Verify whether or not a crew is currently onsite for this event.
If a crew is onsite:
Check the crew type to verify whether or not this type of crew is one that can both assess and repair this event.
If the crew type cannot perform both tasks:
Verify if the crew type can repair this event.
If crew can repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The historical Repair average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If crew cannot repair:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the assessment. The historical Assess average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated Assessment time (EAT). The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the estimated Assessment time to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If crew type can perform both tasks:
Verify whether or not assessment is required for this event (if Travel to Assess and Assess averages are both 0, assessment is not required).
If assessment is not required:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the repair. The historical Travel to Repair average will not be used in the calculation. The historical Repair average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If assessment is required:
It is assumed that the crew that's onsite is there to perform the assessment. The historical Assess average is added to the time at which the crew arrived onsite to generate the estimated assessment time (EAT). The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the estimated assessment time to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If a crew is not onsite:
Verify whether or not assessment is required for this event (if Travel to Assess and Assess averages are both 0, assessment is not required).
If assessment is not required:
No estimated assessment time (EAT) needs to be calculated. This historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the simulation to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.
If assessment is required:
The historical Travel to Assess and historical Assess averages are added to the simulation to generate the estimated assessment time (EAT) for the event. The historical Travel to Repair and historical Repair averages are added to the estimated assessment time to generate the estimated restoration time (ERT) for the event.