Adding a Contact to a Group
To add a contact to a group, complete these steps:
1. Click the Group Manager tab on the Service Alert Administration Tool.
2. Click on a group on the Groups list. The highlighted group is the group to which a contact will be added.
3. Click on the Add button. The Select Contact dialog box opens. The Contacts table in the Select Contact dialog box displays all the contacts in the system that do not belong to the selected group.
4. Click on a row in the Contacts table. The Contacts table contains the following columns:
ID – System assigned unique id for the contact.
External ID – A unique identifier that is useful for identifying an individual, particularly when that individual has more than one contact entry. Sorting on the External ID allows for quick viewing of all an individual's contact entries, for example, Employee ID.
Name – The contact's name.
Email – The contact's email address.
Text/SMS – The contact's SMS device address.
Active – A flag to indicate whether or not the contact is enabled in the system. Disabled contacts cannot receive notifications. Note that the table row colors correspond to whether a contact is active (white) or inactive (light blue).
5. Click OK to add the selected contact to the group, or Cancel to avoid adding the contact to the group.