Understanding IED Details
The IED details tool is used to view and edit the detailed options required to setup an IED within the system. This information is displayed in four main sections:
Common Options
Default Analog Scaling Options
Protocol Specific Options
Connections List
IED Common Options
The IED common options consists of the following fields:
Control: The configured state of the IED. This is updated by actions menu options.
Status: The actual state of the IED as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique IED name in the system, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Protocol: Wwhat protocol is used to communicate with the IED.
Commission: The commissioned state of the IED.
FEP: Which FEP will communicating to the IED.
IED Default Scaling Options
The default scaling options are a definition of the analog scaling values that will be used for all analogs on an IED unless overridden by values on the input itself:
Absolute Change: Default required absolute difference before being reporting
Percent Change: Default required percentage difference before being reporting
Offset Before Multiply: Default add value before multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction
Offset After Multiply: Default add value after multiply operation - use negative value for subtraction
Scale Multiplier: Default multiplier for analog values
IED Protocol Specific Options
The protocol specific section of the IED details screen varies depending of which protocol is to be used to communicate to the IED.
DNP3 Options
IEC60870-5-104 Options
ICCP Options
DNP Options
Local Address: Local DNP3 station number.
Remote Address: Remote DNP3 station number.
IED Mode: Run as outstation instead of master. Y=IED N=Master (Default).
Listen Mode: Listen for inbound connection instead of making outbound. Defaults to outbound.
Class Zero Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 0 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class One Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 1 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class Two Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 2 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Class Three Poll Rate: Poll rate in seconds for Class 3 polling. Defaults to 0 (no polling).
Max Msg Size: Max DNP3 message size.
Ack Timeout: Timeout in ms to recv ack from peer.
Response Timeout: Timeout in ms to recv response from peer.
Refresh Mode: Reset connection on failure to receive response from peer within timeout.
Multi Drop ID: Multi-drop id, when one connection is shared among multiple DNP3 outstations (SERIAL mode only).
Baud Rate: Serial line Baud rate (SERIAL mode only).
Parity: Serial line parity (SERIAL mode only).
IEC60870-5-104 Options
Connect timeout (T0): Connection establishment timeout. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 30 seconds.
APDU timeout (T1): APDU timeout. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 15 seconds.
Acknowledge timeout (T2): APDU acknowledge timeout. Range 1 s to 255 s, accuracy 1 s. default 10 seconds, must be less than t1 ADPU timeout.
Idle timeout (T3): Idle Timeout. Range 1 s to 48 h, resolution 1s, default 20 seconds.
Max APDU Transmit (K): Maximum outstanding I format transmitted APDU, default 12. Range of values 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU.
Max APDU Receive (W): Maximum outstanding I format received APDU, default 8. Range 1 to 32767 APDUs, accuracy 1 APDU - Recommendation: W should not exceed two-thirds of K.
Station Address: Local IEC104 station number.
Server Mode: Run as server instead of client. Y=Server N=Client (Default).
ICCP Options
TSEL: Transport selector.
SSEL: Session selector.
PSEL: Presentation selector.
AP Title: Application Process Title.
AE Qualifier: Application Entry Qualifier.
Local Domain: Local domain name.
Remote Domain: Remote domain name.
Local Table ID: Local Bilateral Table ID.
Remote Table ID: Remote Bilateral Table ID.
TCP/IP Address: Optional IP address for the Local VCC - Gates incoming connections, default is to accept connections on any IP address.
Block 1: Periodic System Data: Status points, analogue points, quality flags, time stamp, change of value counter, protection events.
Block 2: Extended Data Set Condition Monitoring: Provides report by exception capability for the data types that block 1 is able to transfer periodically.
Block 3: Block Data Transfer: Provides a means transferring Block 1 and Block 2 data types as block transfers instead of point by point.
Block 4: Information Messages: Simple text and binary files.
Block 5: Device Control: \nDevice control requests: on/off, trip/close, raise/lower etc. \nand digital setpoints.
Block 6: Program Control: Allows an ICCP client to remote control programs executing on an ICCP server.
Block 7: Event Reporting: Extended reporting to a client of error conditions and device state changes at a server.
Block 8: Additional User Objects: Scheduling, accounting, outage and plant information.
Connection Mode: Connection direction - Inbound, Outbound, or Dual.
Role: ICCP role (Client, Server, or Both).
Reduce List: ICCP behavior option - negotiate non-existent points in transferset definitions.
Mismatch Flag: ICCP behavior option - create csv file listing non-existent points in transferset definitions.
Keep Alive: Periodically send MMS Identify request as keep-alive. Default=0 meaning do not send.
Secure Mode: Enable/Disable secure ICCP.
TLS Certificate: TLS public client certificate, or local private server certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ACSE Certificate: ACSE public certificate, or local private certificate identifier - Secure Only.
IED Connections List
This section allows the configuration of one or more connections between the FEP and the IED itself. This is normally redundant connections to the same IED instance. Connections can be added or removed as required, and also enabled or disabled from a right-click context menu.
Each connection has the following options:
Control: The configured state of the connection. This is edited by actions menu options.
Status: the actual state of the connection as reported by the system (not editable).
Name: A unique (on the IED) name for the connection, used for logging audit messages and errors.
Description: optional description.
Order: A defined order to try the connections – lowest value first.
IP Address: The TCP/IP address of the FEP for the connection.
Port: The TCP/IP port for the connection.
Poll Period: The period to collect poll statistics in seconds.
Stats Period: The frequency to report the statistics.
Recovery Percent: Required percentage of good vs bad polls for connection recovery.
Failure Percent: Required percentage of good vs bad polls for connection failure.
ICCP Remote VCC List – only for ICCP IEDs
This ICCP Remote VCC definition has all of the same columns as the IED connections defined above and the following additional columns
TSEL: Transport selector.
SSEL: Session selector.
PSEL: Presentation selector.
AP TITLE: Application Process Title.
AE QUALIFIER: Application Entry Qualifier.
Application Entry Qualifier: TLS public client certificate, or local private server certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ACSE CERTIFICATE: ACSE public certificate, or local private certificate identifier - Secure Only.
TLS CA CERTIFICATE: TLS public Certificate Authority certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ACSE CA CERTIFICATE: ACSE public Certificate Authority certificate identifier - Secure Only.
ICCP Transfersets – only for ICCP IEDs
Control: Configured state of Transferset.
Status: Actual state of Transferset.
Number: Dataset Number - referenced by points.
Transfer Mode: Specify change-based or interval transmission of information reports.
Start Time: Absolute start time of transfer set.
Start Delay: Start Delay for transferset (not used).
Buffer Time: Time in seconds to queue data on server before sending report.
Interval: Interval in seconds for INTERVAL transferMode.
Integrity Interval: Interval in seconds to send integrity scan reports. Default/0 means no integrity scan reports.
Operator Request: Enable operator request.
Report By Exception: Report By Exception mode for INTERVAL reports - only send points when they have changed over interval.
All Changes: Send lists of all changes with INTERVAL reports.
Critical: Enable critical ACK.
Initial Read: Do initial read of all points in data set.