Menu and Toolbar Features
File Menu
The table below describes the options available on the File menu.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Save Sheet
Saves the switching sheet.
Copy As...
Opens the Copy Switching Sheet As dialog box that allows you to copy the current sheet into a newly created sheet. The new sheet can be one of the following types: Planned, Emergency, Template, or Outage Correction. See “Copying a Switching Sheet” for details.
Print Preview...
Opens the Switching Report Content Selection dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for previewing a switching report.
Opens the Switching Report Content Selection dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for printing a switching report.
Opens the Switching Report Content Selection dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for emailing a switching report.
Export the switching sheet as a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) text file to your local file system. This file can then be imported into NMS as an Administration or Trainer user type from the Switching Sheet List. See “Exporting/Importing Switching Sheets” for details.
Toggle Dockable Window
Dock or undock the window into the NMS environment window. The tool will be docked where it was last docked. See “Understanding Docked Panes and Standalone Window Tools” for information.
Closes the active switching sheet.
Actions Menu
The options available in the Actions menu are dependent on the sheet type. Actions available will typically also be available through the right-click context menu and/or toolbar. The following are always in the Actions menu
Toolbar Button
Check In/Create New Version
The Check In button allows you to check in and save a copy of the switching sheet. This is used for auditing purposes to determine differences between steps in two versions of a switching sheet.
When you check in a sheet, this button changes to Create New Version, which manually increments the sheet's version number and sets the sheet to Editing mode. See “Working with Switching Sheet Versions” for more information.
Edit Mode/
View-Only Mode
Edit and View-Only Modes
When the sheet is in Edit mode, you are the only user who can edit it. When it is in View-Only mode, you cannot edit the sheet and it is available for editing by other users. The Edit/View-Only Indicator button toggles the sheet between Edit and View-Only modes.
When you open a sheet for editing, the sheet is automatically placed into Edit mode and blocks other users from editing it. If you open a sheet that is currently being edited by another user, you are not allowed to make any changes.
Refreshes the data in a view-only sheet. The Refresh option is available when another user has locked and edited the sheet.
Update Device‑Related Fields
Updates the Substations and Feeders fields with values related to the switching sheet's device and step device values. The Location and Voltage values will be updated with values related to the sheet's device value. If the sheet's device value is invalid or empty and the steps have no device related operations, then the fields will be cleared when this option is selected.
Insert Blank Step
Inserts a blank step below the current step row.
Place Step Insertion Indicator
Adds a step insertion indicator icon to the row.
Remove Step Insertion Indicator
Removes the step insertion icon.
Link to Safety Document
Links the selected safety document to the currently selected step in switching sheet. This option is only visible when the switching sheet has active safety documents linked to it.
Remove Links to Safety Documents
Disassociates the safety document that is linked to the step and updates the step.
Add New Block Header
Fault Location
Rename Block Header
Fault Location
Load Safety Documents...
Display the safety documents linked to the highlighted steps.
Clear Planned Time
Clear the Planned Date values for the highlighted steps. This option is only visible when at least one of the highlighted steps has an Planned Date value.
Update Step Control Zone Data
Iterate through the selected steps and update their control zone related data. This may be required if the step's device has been recently moved to a new control zone.
Update Operation Step Details
Recalculate all step details based on the current step order and the current study model. This is available when in study mode only.
Clear Crews
Clear the Instructed To values for the highlighted steps. This option is only visible when at least one of the highlighted steps has an Instructed To value.
Model Verify
This action is available if model changes have occurred that impact one or more devices in the switching sheet.
The Web Switching service checks all the opened switching sheet steps after a model edit has occurred. If a step has a device that matches a device that was directly impacted by a model change, that step will be marked as needing verification. When the sheet is displayed, these steps will be highlighted in yellow. You can either check off each step in the sheet as they are verified or check off the entire sheet.
Outage Correction sheets are not included in this processing. Outage Correction validates the devices when the correction is made.
While the sheet has verifications pending, step executions cannot be performed within the sheet.
Switching sheets in the Completed or Rework states are not included in this processing.
Move Crew
Move a crew to the device associated with the selected step. This option is enabled when a single highlighted step is instructed to an en-route crew.
Clear Condition Indexes
Removes the condition class and index associated to the selected step. An error dialog box will be displayed if the selected steps' condition handles cannot be cleared. The action is only available for steps that are not in a terminal state and that are not associated to safety documents.
Update Instructed Dates...
Opens the Update Instructed Date dialog box, which allows you to enter a new Instructed Date for selected steps. Steps that have not been instructed will not be updated.
Move Steps to Misc Log
This action moves Real Time Completed, Aborted, Failed or Instructed steps to the Miscellaneous Log. SCADA Pending steps cannot be moved until they have transitioned to one of the states already stated. Steps associated to safety documents are also not allowed to be moved. Any step in a New or Uninstructed state will not be moved as the Miscellaneous Log only displays Real Time steps that are in a terminal or Instructed state. Any attempt to move an immovable step will result in an error dialog box and the steps will not be moved from the switching sheet's steps list.
To move steps to the Miscellaneous Log, select one or more steps and select Move Steps to Misc Log from the Actions menu or from the right-click context menu.
Group Steps
Groups two or more contiguously selected steps.
Ungroup Steps
Ungroups steps that have been grouped.
Reset Operation Text...
Resets the text in the Operation field to its calculated value following a manual edit. This option is only visible once the step's Operation field has been manually edited. This is not possible for all types of steps and with Product configuration this is limited to non-operational steps. In other words, any step that does not actually impact the model, manipulate a condition, or interact with any other tools in the environment.
Clear Clipboard
Clears copied steps from your computer clipboard. Alternatively, press the Escape (Esc) key.
Feeder Load Management...
Launches Feeder Load Management for the feeders associated to the currently highlighted steps. This option is also available on the right-click option menu in the Steps table. This option is only available when Power Flow and FLM are both licensed and configured.
Power Flow Analysis
Submenu Options
Run…: This action brings up the power flow wizard to perform power flow analysis. See “Power Flow Analysis in Switching Management” for more details.
View Results…: This action brings up the Power Flow Analysis details dialog box.
Update Results: This action updates the Power Flow Analysis using the same parameters used to run the last analysis.
Clear Results: This action clears the Power Flow Analysis results of the plan.
View, Update and Clear options are enabled only if a sheet has power flow results.
Power Flow Analysis button is enabled only for planned sheets provided power flow is licensed.
View Only users can view only the power flow results. No other option is enabled.
The menu options, tool bar buttons, power flow columns are not displayed for Switching Request users.
Help Menu
Toolbar Button
Web Switching Management Help
Opens online help content for the switching sheet's active tab. For example, if the Request tab is active, the "Completing the Request Tab" will be returned.
About Web Switching Management
Opens a window with environment and software information.