The rework state is used to make updates to a previously completed switching sheet. The rework state allows numerous changes to be made to the switching sheet including, but not limited to:
Adding, removing, and updating switching sheet steps. Any modifications made to the steps while in the Rework state will force the sheet to increment its version number by one.
Updating the Request with further details.
Updating the Impacted Customers list.
Altering External Documents
Manipulating associated safety documents.
While in the Rework state, special processing functions allow real‑time completed steps to be deleted. The steps will remain linked to the switching sheet, but will be marked as deleted. If you change your view of the steps to view differences between another state where the step was present, then that step will show up in the Completed state, but will be marked with a red background and strike-through text. You will not be allowed to delete real‑time completed steps that are linked to events or safety documents (an error dialog box will open if you attempt to do this).
The Rework state also allows the switching sheet's linked events to be corrected using Outage Correction. All of the rules that apply to standard Outage Correction switching sheets also apply to a switching sheet when it is in the Rework state. Any date related updates should be applied to the step's Completed Date column. See “Outage Correction” for more details.
Switching sheets in the Rework state will not be flagged for model verification if any step device has been altered by a model change. This is true for the Completed state as well.
When transitioning out of the Rework state and back into the Completed state, any step that is in the New or Uninstructed step will be automatically completed if you approve the change from the confirmation dialog box. If you do not approve the change, then the state transition will be canceled and it will be left to you to transition the incomplete steps to a terminal state.