Editing Existing Steps
You can rearrange, add, and delete switching steps using options found on the Steps toolbar or from the Steps context menu.
Notes on editing steps:
You cannot edit steps while the switching sheet is in the Completed state. You will need to transition the switching sheet to the Rework state to edit the steps after the sheet has been completed.
Some fields on the switching sheet are not editable after a plan has transitioned to a certain set of states. For example, the Instructed Date and Completed Date fields cannot be updated after the step has reached a terminal state (completed, aborted, or failed). Exceptions to this rule apply when the switching sheet is in the Rework state.
Tabbing out of a cell can only be accomplished if the cell is not set up for word wrapping.
The Operation, Details, and Comments columns are configured for word wrapping. Word wrapping means the cell height will grow if the text in the field is too long to be displayed within the confines of the cell width.
To edit switching steps, complete these steps:
1. Open the switching sheet and check the status bar to make sure that the switching sheet is in edit mode.
2. Click on the Steps tab.
3. Edit steps as follows:
To edit the fields in a step, select the row and click in the Operation (for comment or non-operational steps only), Details, Planned Date, Instructed Date, Completed Date, Comments or Address field and change the text.
To insert a blank step, place your cursor in the row after which you want to insert the step and select the right-click Insert Blank Step option.
To insert a recorded step, select the right-click Place Step Insertion Indicator option and then perform the action in the Viewer. Steps are inserted after the step that currently has the indicator. To record steps at the end of the steps list, remove the step insertion indicator first.
To delete a step, select the row for the step you want to delete and click the Delete button. Attempting to delete a step that is in a terminal state will produce an error dialog indicating that the step cannot be deleted.
To rearrange steps, cut and paste the steps to the desired location.
You can cut, copy and paste steps from one plan to another. The ability to cut, copy or paste is governed by the sensitivity of the edit options. (The options are disabled if the edit operation is not allowed.)
4. Save the switching sheet by selecting Save Sheet from the File menu.