Opening Locked Documents
The Failed to Establish User Lock dialog box appears when opening switching sheets or safety documents locked by another user. The Previously Established Lock List pane displays the details of the locked sheet or safety document:
Object Type: the sheet/safety document type; for example, a planned switching sheet or a HOLD safety document.
Object #: the number of the sheet/safety document.
User: the user who has the sheet/safety document locked.
Date: the date when the sheet/safety document was locked.
OK: closes the dialog box.
Steal Locks...: opens the Steal Locks dialog box, which allows you to steal the lock to enable editing the sheet or safety document.
Click OK to dismiss the dialog box or select one or more rows and click Steal Locks... to take the locks from the current owner.
Stealing Locks
When you click the Steal Locks... button on the Failed to Establish Locks dialog box, the Steal Locks confirmation dialog box appears. Enter a reason for stealing the lock and click OK to take ownership of the selected objects from the current user. The user who had the lock will then be presented with a Stolen Object Locks dialog box that lists the object type, object number, user who stole the lock, and the date when the lock was stolen.
If you attempt to steal locks on a sheet controlled by the system, you will get a Steal Locks Exemption dialog box and will not receive control of the sheet. Click OK to dismiss the dialog box.
These actions are also added to the Audit Log of the sheet or safety document.