Web Safety
Web Safety provides Stand Alone Safety Documents for recording tagging and grounding operations outside of a switching plan. Web Safety is not a substitute for safety documents created in switching plans and, therefore, does not support the use of aggregate actions when recording tag points and grounding actions. Web Safety limits device associations to those not involved in Open and Close operations.
Understanding the Stand Alone Safety Document Window
Stand Alone Safety Documents windows share many features and behaviors of switching sheet windows. Like switching sheets, Stand Alone Safety Documents cannot be moved outside of the confines of the NMS workspace. Stand Alone Switching Document windows open in the lower right quadrant of the workspace, but may be moved anywhere within the workspace or maximized to the full workspace dimensions.
Each open safety document has its own tabbed window, which is labeled with a combination of the safety document type and the number. Multiple safety documents and switching sheets are typically docked together and displayed as a tab group. Double-click any tab (or the empty area to the right of the tabs) to maximize the tab group; double-click again to restore the size.
Right-click a tab to access the context menu, which provides the following:
Note: For simplicity, the term sheet will be used to mean either a stand alone safety document or switching sheet.
Maximize: maximizes the window.
Restore: restores the maximized window to its original size and position.
New Tab Group: displays the sheet separately.
Collapse Tab Groups: regroups separate windows into tab groups.
Windows...: opens a dialog box that lists all open sheets, which you can then:
Activate (that is, bring to front in a tab group) a single sheet.
Close selected sheets.
Close: closes the sheet.
Close All: closes all open sheets.
Close Others: closes all open sheets except the sheet that was right-clicked.