Menu and Toolbar Features
File Menu
The table below describes the options available on the File menu.
Menu Option
Toolbar Icon
Saves the Safety Document.
Copy As...
Opens the Safety Document Types dialog box that allows you to create a new safety document with the current document's data. See “Copying a Safety Document” for more details.
Display the Switching Sheet Association dialog box. From the dialog box you can associate the safety document to a switching sheet. See “Switching Sheet Associations” for more details. Once the safety document is associated, it is no longer a stand alone safety document and when viewed the document takes on the look of a switching sheet associated safety document.
Transition the document to the Deleted state and remove it from any of the safety document lists. This option is only available while the document is in the New state.
Print Preview...
Opens the Report Format dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for previewing a safety document report.
Opens the Report Format dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for printing a safety document report.
Opens the Report Format dialog box that allows you to choose the criteria for emailing a safety document report.
Closes the active safety document.
Help Menu
Toolbar Icon
Web Safety Help
Opens online help content for safety documents.
About Web Safety
Opens a window with environment and software information.
Toolbar Buttons
The / buttons allow you to toggle Control Tool related recording on or off, respectively.
The Paste button () allows you to add a step cut from the Miscellaneous Log or copied from another Safety document. See “Adding Devices to a Non-Execute Safety Document” for more information.
The Place Condition button () is used to apply conditions when the condition actions were recorded in study mode through the Control Tool.
The Issue button () issues the selected safety document. A record of the transition is added to the Audit Log. Selecting this button will cause the Unissue and Release buttons to be enabled.
The Unissue button () is used to place an Issued safety document or a Released safety document into an Unissued (edit) state where the device lists can be altered. While in the Unissued state, you can add devices to the lists and mark devices already in the list for removal. Only when the safety document transitions back to the Issued state will the changes be applied. Selecting this button will cause the Issue button to be enabled.
The Release button () releases the selected safety document. This button is only enabled if the safety document has been issued. Selecting this button will cause the Issue and Complete button to be enabled.
The Complete button () completes the selected safety document.
The Abort button () allows you to set the status of the safety document to Aborted. The system prompts you to confirm the action before aborting. This button is only available in real-time mode and only for safety documents that are in the New state.
The Confirm Model Changes button () becomes available when model changes have occurred that impact one or more devices in the safety document.
The Web Switching service checks all the active safety documents after a model edit has occurred. If a safety document has a device that matches a device that was directly impacted by a model change, that device will be marked as needing verification. When the safety document is displayed, these devices will be highlighted in yellow. You can either verify each device in the document or verify the entire document.
Note: While the safety document has verifications pending, safety state transitions cannot be performed within the document.
Any device related field values that are pulled from model or attribute data will be dynamically updated after the model change. This includes the Feeder and Substation fields.
Individual Verification
To check off each device individually, right-click the highlighted device and select Model Verify.
Whole Safety Document Verification
To verify all of the devices in a sheet, click the verify (check mark) button () to confirm all model changes. All highlighted devices will be marked as verified.
Once the devices have been verified, safety state transitions can continue for the document.
The Reset Study Session () allows you reset your study session to a copy of either Real Time or Nominal conditions.
The Real Time button () switches the document to real time mode.
The Study Session button () switches the document to study mode.
The Step Actions button () toggles the actions view at the bottom of the safety document. The actions are identical to switching steps found in switching sheets. The actions list includes the tag, ground, and safety state transition actions associated to the document.