Suggested Switching Scenarios
Isolate Only: A fault has occurred on a device or emergency maintenance is needed on a device. Suggested Switching can be used to generate the optimal switching steps to completely isolate the device from the system and evaluate the loads to be lost if no further restoration actions are implemented.
Isolate and Restore: Suggested switching can be used to isolate a device from the system and restore downstream sections. If the selected device is already de-energized then upstream sections may also be restored.
Load Restore: A de-energized area caused by planned or actual outages must be restored. Suggested Switching can be used to generate recommended switching plans to try to restore the loads as much as possible, and operate switches as little as possible.
Feeder Unloading: A feeder is highly over-loaded, and some of its loading must be transferred to neighboring feeders or sources to avoid equipment damage or low voltages on the feeder. Based on system topology configurations, Suggested Switching will determine the optimal switching plans to transfer the required amount of loads from the specified feeder.
Violation Relief: Use DERs and network reconfiguration to relieve overload and voltage violations.
Substation Switching
Breakers: One or more substation breakers need to be taken out of service for maintenance, so the feeders supplied from these breakers must be fed from alternate sources. Suggested Switching will create a plan whereby these breakers can be opened and the load on the feeders can be transferred to alternate supplies.
Power Transformer: A substation has two parallel power transformers, and one transformer needs to be taken out of service. Suggested Switching can be used to generate optimal switching plans to maximally transfer all existing feeders supplied by the transformer to adjacent power transformers or adjacent substations.