Suggested Switching Solutions Table
The suggested switching solutions table contains the following columns:
SS Scenario: The objective of the suggested switching plan (for example, Isolate and Restore, Isolate, Feeder Unloading).
# Steps: The number of steps contained within the plan.
Affected Feeders: A total list of feeders affected by this plan.
Affected Switches: A total list of switches being used by the plan to energize and de-energize sections of the feeder based on the particular objective.
Customer Impacted: A breakdown by count of customers that will be impacted by execution of the plan. This will include sub breakdowns of things such as critical customers.
Affected DERS: A total list of distributed energy resources (DERs) impacted by the plan.
Violations Before: The number of total violations within the area impacted by the suggested switching plan before plan execution.
Violations After: The number of total violations within the area impacted by the suggested switching plan after plan execution.
Feeder Contingency Analysis Tab
The Feeder Contingency Analysis tab displays a list of plans generated by the FCA process. FCA is a suggested switching contingency analysis batch process that determines how all loading on an entire feeder could be transferred to adjacent feeders using available tie switches. The analysis is run for all feeders within the Oracle Utilities Network Management System data model. The analysis is run against the as‑built topology and is intended to provide insight on whether loading on an entire feeder could be transferred to adjacent feeders without causing overloads.
The Distributed Generator for FCA and Load Profile Temperature for FCA SRS rules can be used to configure the default distributed generation map that should be used with FCA analysis. If either of these rules are not configured, then FCA is set to run with the default generator and temperature profiles, which is configured using Distributed Generator Default and Load Profile Temperature Default SRS rules.
Note: The analysis is intended to be run by an administrative user quarterly since it is conducted against the as‑built model.