The Network Optimization Tool (Optimization) generates a set of optimal substation power transformer tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, capacitor bank statuses, and DER/DR power dispatch controls for a defined optimization objective. The following optimization objectives are currently supported:
Loss Minimization
Power Factor Correction
Conservation Voltage Reduction
Relieve Violations
Maximize Voltage
Maximize VAr
Return to Nominal
Optimization can be used in study mode or real-time.
In study mode, you can generate optimization steps based on your optimization objective and then either append the steps to an existing switching plan or create a new switching plan. The switching plan can then be transitioned and executed in real-time mode.
In real-time mode, Optimization runs cyclically to generate optimal plans for configured areas of the network. Areas can be configured for either manual mode, which will force you to review the plan before execution, or automatic mode, which will allow the system to execute the plan without user interaction to constantly keep areas optimized based on changing conditions. For more information see “Using Optimization in Real-Time Mode”.
Understanding Optimization Weighting Factors
The weighting factors for controls and constraints need to be set to consider in network optimization. Administrative users can view or change these settings using the Configuration Assistant’s Event Management Rules tab's Optimization Objective Parameters (see “Using the Event Management Rules Tab” for more information). These settings are used by the Optimization tool for both study and real time modes.