Options is the first page of the wizard. It displays the selected device and allows you to specify the basic parameters to use for the optimization.
Options has three sections:
Objective: allows you to select from the following objectives.
Return to Nominal: Select this to generate steps to return regulation devices to their nominal regulation settings. The nominal settings are stored in the NMS database and will used in the steps generated by the Optimization tool. The application will attempt to restore any set-points, on/off thresholds, position, or step that would be different from the nominal value. For example, a substation LTC may have two steps to return it to nominal; the first step would be to adjust the voltage target set-point and the second would be to adjust the tap step.
Loss Minimization: Select this to run Optimization for minimizing losses.
Conservation Voltage Reduction: Select this to run Optimization for demand reduction. This objective will attempt to reduce technical losses by controlling load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, and capacitor bank statuses.
Power Factor Correction: Select this to run Optimization for power factor correction. This objective will attempt to control capacitor bank statuses to bring the power factor as close to unity as possible.
Relieve Violations: Select this to run Optimization to relieve voltage and overload violations in the selected area. This objective will attempt to dispatch DERs and control load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, and capacitor bank status to reduce violations in the selected area.
Note: DERs will be used only when the DERMS module is licensed.
Maximize Voltage: Select this to run Optimization to maximize voltage in the selected area. This objective will attempt to increase the average voltage on each feeder within the optimization area by controlling load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, and capacitor bank statuses.
Maximize VAr: Select this to run Optimization to maximize reactive power in the selected area. The objective will attempt to increase the reactive power support within the optimization area by controlling load tap changer (LTC) tap positions, voltage regulator tap positions, capacitor bank statuses, and reactive dispatch at DER units.
The Controllable Devices list displays the regulation devices that can be optimized.
The Device Name column displays the controllable device names.
The Optimize column allows you to select or deselect devices to include in the optimization. By default, optimization is selected for all of the controllable devices.
The SCADA column indicates whether the device is SCADA enabled or not.
The Fixed Price column represents the fixed cost to operate the device and is applicable to all types of devices.
The Utilization Price column is only applicable to DER resources and represents the variable pricing in dollars per MWh.