Plan Details
The Plan Details window has a Feeder pane and a tabbed pane that displays information about a selected feeder.
Feeders Pane
The Feeders pane lists all of the feeders affected by a solution and provides details about load and violations before and after the optimization plan is executed. Before a plan is executed only the Before and After (Estimate) will be populated. Once the optimization plan has been executed and the power flow resolved, the After (Actual) values will populate.
Tabbed Pane
When you select a feeder from the Feeders list, the following tabs are displayed:
Violations: shows any violations associated with the selected feeder. To focus the Viewer on the device associated with the violation, select a violation in the list and click the View... button.
Note: The View... button is enabled whenever a violation node is selected.
Voltage Profile Graph: this graph shows the voltage profile along the feeder representing voltage at each service point for before (displayed gray) and after (displayed blue) plan execution. This shows you the graphical voltage drop that occurs on the feeder and also shows you how the voltage profile will be raised or lowered at different sections as a result of implementing the plan.
Note: The Voltage Profile Graph differs slightly for real-time usage and will overlay any bellwether meters voltages present. The before bellwether meters will be colored pink and the after bellwether meter voltages will be green.
Voltage Distribution Graph: this graph displays the voltage distribution in the form of a frequency plot on the affected feeders. The before results are displayed in gray and after results in blue.
SCADA Measurements: displays before and after measurements for SCADA telemetered devices within the optimization area. If the plan has not been executed, only the before values will display; once a plan is executed the after values will be populated. This table allow you to view loading and bellwether meter voltages before and after the optimization.
If you select a row in the SCADA Measurements table, the right-click context menu provides options to open the SCADA Summary (SCADA Summary...) or view the selected device in the Viewer (View...).