Enabling and Disabling Optimization Devices from the Control Tool
You can enable or disable devices for Optimization actions by selecting either Enable Optimization or Disable Optimization, respectively, from the Control Tool's Optimization... button. These buttons are displayed for all optimization-capable devices. When a device is disabled from optimization, a condition flag is shown on the Viewer adjacent to the device.
Setting Optimization Mode on Feeders
You can set individual feeders to Automatic (Slow Cycle), Automatic (Fast Cycle), Manual (Slow Cycle), or Manual (Fast Cycle), or Disable mode with the Configuration Assistant's Feeder Management tab (see Using the Feeder Management Tab on page 24-32 for details). However, the status of the other feeders on the same substation Load Tap Changer can influence the Optimization mode of the feeder.
AMI Bellwether Voltage