Load Groups Table
The load groups are displayed in a table with the following data columns:
Load Group: Name of the group.
Type: SCADA or Manual. If all the switches in the load group are SCADA enabled then the group is a SCADA group, otherwise it's a Manual group.
Rank: Dynamic rank of the group to perform load shed. The lower the rank value, the higher the preference to shed the group. Rank changes based on the last shed and restore times of the group.
Select: check box to select or deselect a group for the load shed plan.
Feeder: Name of the feeders in the group.
Switch: Name of the switch to open or close for load shed and restoration on the feeder.
Configured Load (MW): Load configured for the feeder. At group level it is the sum of the configured load of energized feeders in the group.
PF Load (MW): Load calculated from power flow. At group level it's the sum of the power flow calculated load of the feeders in the group. This is displayed only when power flow is licensed.
PF Gen (MW): DER output calculated from power flow. At the group level, this is the sum of the power flow calculated DER output of the feeders in the group. This is displayed only when power flow is licensed.
# DERs: Number of DERs connected to the feeder. At the group level, it is the sum of DERs of all the feeders in the group.
# Critical Customers: Number of critical customers of configured types for load shed and restoration. At the group level, it is the sum of critical customers of all the feeders in the group.
Feeder Nominal: Yes or No. Yes, if the feeder is in nominal state; otherwise, No. At the group level, if all the feeders in the group are in nominal state, then the value is Yes; otherwise, the value is No.
Feeder Status: Status of the feeder (Energized or De-Energized).
Initial Priority: Initial priority set for the group for load shed operation. This column is hidden by default. To display the column, right‑click and select Select Columns... from the context menu, and then select the Initial Priority option.
Plan #: Load Shed switch sheet plan number that contains the load group.
Plan Status: Current status of the Load Shed switch sheet that includes the load group.
Last Shed Time: Time when the load group was last shed.
Last Restore Time: Time when the load group was last restored.