Weather Zone Forecasts Table
Date/Time: The date and time for the row of forecast and weather data that is displayed.
Temp (F): The forecast temperature for the weather zones forecast date/time.
Wind Speed (mph): The forecast wind speed for the weather zone forecast date/time.
Cloud Cover: The forecast cloud cover level for the weather zones forecast date/time.
Wind (kW/kVAr): The total forecasted wind generation in kW and kVAr for the weather zones forecast date/time.
PV (kW/kVAr): The total forecasted Photovoltaic (PV) generation in kW and kVAr for the weather zones forecast date/time
Fuel (kW/kVAr): The total forecasted fuel generation in kW and kVAr for the weather zones forecast date/time.
Battery (kW/kVAr): The total forecasted battery generation in kW and kVAr for the weather zones forecast date/time.
Total Generation (kW/kVAr): The total forecasted generation of DER technology types summed together in kW and kVAr for the weather zones forecast date/time.
Understanding the Utility DER Forecast Tab
The Utility DER Forecasts tab allows you to see Utility Scale DER forecast information for a selected resource. With this information, you can see the forecasted output (kW, kVAr) of the resource that has been provided via an external DERMS system via an adapter to NMS.
The forecast information displayed is for the real-time output and configured forecast range. It is meant to show you how DER output can change based on the forecast data provided for the resource (for example, battery used for peak shaving).
You can navigate to a specific Utility DER Forecast in two ways:
From the DERMS Summary tab:
Select the resource you are interested in from the Utility DER Summary table. Right-click and select View Forecast… from the context menu. The DERMS Dashboard window will display the Utility DER Forecasts tab with the selected resource name populated in the Resource Name field, and with the resource's forecast data displayed in the Utility DER Forecast table.
From the Utility DER Forecast tab:
Select the resource you are interested in from the Resource Name drop-down list. The Utility DER Forecasts table will be populated with the selected resource's forecast data.
The Utility DER Forecasts tab will also show information related to Network Capacity Allocation (NCA) if the device is configured as a market participant DER and bidding into the day ahead market. The NCA Forecast information will be displayed on a table within this page and represent the results of the analysis stating for each configured forecast interval the bid status of the unit and its recommended output.