Network Capacity Allocation Forecasts Table
The Network Capacity Allocation Forecasts table specifies the results of the Network Capacity Allocation (NCA) analysis and displays the bid status and recommended output for each forecast interval. See section “Understanding Network Capacity Allocation” for more information.
Date/Time: The date and time the NCA analysis row corresponds to.
Proposed Output (kW/kVAr): The total output in kW and kVAr the generator wanted to bid into the market.
Allowed Output (kW/kVAr): The total output in kW and kVAr the generator can produce as determined by the NCA analysis. If the generator exceeds the allowed output flow constraints will be created on the network.
Price ($/MWH): The price of generation for this particular interval as provided with from the generator with the bid.
Bid Status: The bid status for this NCA analysis interval; the values may be Accepted, Denied, or Curtailed. For example, if the NCA analysis determined the generator cannot produce any power during this interval without creating flow constraints, the Bid Status would be set to Denied. If the generator output needed to be reduced from the proposed output, but not fully reduced, the bid status would be Curtailed. If the proposed generator output does not create any flow constraints and can be fully utilized, the bid status will show as Accepted.
Viewing Violations for a NCA Forecast
When viewing the NCA forecast for a particular DER, the flow and/or voltage violations that caused curtailment can be displayed. You can view these issues for each forecast hour. Right click the forecast of interest, and then select View Violation.... When the Network Capacity Allocation Violation dialog box opens, you can then select the option to view the Proposed or Allowed violations. The Proposed violations correspond to issues that would occur with the proposed generator output, this is essentially the output the generator intended to supply. The Allowed violations correspond to issues that would occur with the NMS recommended generator plan, under ideal circumstances the number of allowed violations should be zero. The following columns will be displayed in the NCA Violation dialog box.
Device: The device name where the violation has occurred.
DER Name: The DER name that has sensitivity to the violation.
Feeder Name: The name of the feeder where the violation has occurred.
Violation: The type of violation that has occurred (for example, Switch Overload, Conductor Overload).
Phase: The phase on which the violation has occurred
Value: The power flow value on the device (for example, amps for switches/conductors, kV for voltage issues).
%: The percent overload of the violation
Limit: The limit on the overloaded device
Pre-Existing Viol: Specifies if this was a pre-existing violation that existed before any generator schedules were taken into account.