Possible Blocking Scenarios
Blocking could be set up for a type of safety document and then FLISR would skip any scenario that would operate a device that had been tagged with that type of safety document.
Any device with a crew on-site could be blocked to protect the crew from an automatic device operation.
Any device tagged with the FLISR Feeder Disable condition will disable the feeders to which the device is connected. FLISR will skip any scenario that involves these feeders.
Note: In the product OPAL (demo) model, the FLISR Feeder Disable condition can be added on a device using the Control Tool’s Hot-Line Tag button.
Understanding Sensitive Earth Fault Processing
In the event of the sensitive earth fault, FLISR only restores the downstream section of the fault. FLISR ignores the downstream fault indicators and assumes that the fault is below the device reporting the sensitive earth fault.
Some networks may have devices that cannot reliably report the sensitive earth fault. There are also some devices that can be relied upon when they report the absence of sensitive earth fault, but cannot be trusted upon when they report the presence of sensitive earth fault. FLISR is able to recognize such devices and skip them while determining the isolation and restoration switches.