Viewing FLISR Disabled Devices
The system allows you to view devices that have been individually disabled from FLISR operations. There are several scenarios for disabling FLISR on a device.
Devices can be enabled/disabled through actions on the device's control tool
Disabling a circuit breaker (and/or recloser) automatically disables all downstream devices along a radial feeder. Each device is checked during FLISR execution for upstream disabled breakers or reclosers.
Disabling a sectionalizer disables just the individual device.
Suppressing reclose features of a recloser or circuit breaker will also disable FLISR on the device.
An explicit FLISR Disable SCADA point can be mapped to a device. When set (typically through a SCADA calculated point), FLISR will be disabled on that device.
A device can be disabled in multiple fashions; only when all disabling conditions are removed will the device become active again.
A device can only be enabled by removing the corresponding disabling constraint. For example it is not possible to manually enable a device that has been automatically disabled due to reclose suppression.
Disabled devices are marked with a "FLISR Disabled" condition, shown in the Viewer, and summarized in the Condition Summaries window with the FLISR Disabled filter.