Running the Schematic Generation
The Run button allows you to generate the schematic output for the selected option package. To generate the schematics and view results in the Web Workspace Viewer, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Option Package from the Schematica Option Package drop down for which you want to run the schematic generation
2. Click Run. The Maps to Generate dialog box opens. It defaults to All Maps radio button.
If you wish you to run the configured options on all maps, leave the selection as is, click OK, and view the results in the Viewer.
If you wish to apply the configured options only for specific maps, then select the Specific Maps radio button, and add the maps you wish run on in the Specific Maps field. Click OK and view the results in the Viewer.
Note: To view the output of the Schematic generation for any errors or warnings, complete the following steps:
Open a terminal and go to the logs folder (cd logs).
Open nms_schematica_output file to view the output (vi nms_schematica_output).