Understanding the Alarm History List
The Alarm History list is used to preview the alarm definition selected in the Behavior table. The default Alarm History columns are:
The Unacknowledged column contains a bell icon if the alarm is unacknowledged.
The Attribute column contains the type of SCADA measurement or type of System alarm.
The Priority column contains the priority associated with the alarm. The priority field’s background is filled with the priorities associated color while the alarm is not acknowledged.
The Alarm Time column contains the time the alarm was generated in the field. For a SCADA alarm this is the timestamp supplied by the RTU.
The Class column contains the alarm class associated with the alarm.
The Category column contains the alarm category associated with the alarm.
The Alarm Message column contains the alarm text
The following right click options are available:
Acknowledge: Acknowledge the selected alarm.
Understanding the Mapping Tab
The Mapping Tab contains the mapping table that allows you to map a SCADA measurement or System Alarm to an alarm definition defined the Behavior tab.
The Mapping table contains the following columns:
The Attribute column defines the SCADA measurement or System Alarm.
The Device Class column defines the device class associated with the mapping. This allows you to configure different alarm definitions for the same SCADA measurement. If you want all devices classes to use the same alarm definition set this value to All Classes.
The Normal State column defines whether this mapping relates to a normally open or a normally closed device. If you do not want to differentiate between normally open and normally closed devices in an alarm mapping then this column should be left blank.
The Alarm Def column defines what alarm definition the mapping should use.
The Active column defines whether this row is active or not.
A typical example would be:
Attribute = Topology Status, Normal State = OPEN, Alarm Defn = Normally Open Definition
Attribute = Topology Status, Normal State = CLOSED, Alarm Defn = Normally Closed Definition
This maps every topology status attribute to one of two different alarm definitions based on whether the device is normally open or closed.