Using the Training Environment Control Tool
The Trainer Control Tool provides unique device operations and customer call simulation options.
Trainer Control Tool Options
Simulate Open/Close: Simulates an Open or Close operation. The simulated event is tagged in the Trainer environment, but not visible to trainees. The simulated operation impacts SCADA and Power Flow data as if it were an actual change to the network.
Clear Simulated Operation: clears the simulated open/close.
Create FLISR Event: Creates a fault on the selected wire or cable segment that will trigger Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration to run (if implemented and enabled).
Create FLA Fault: Creates a fault on the selected wire or cable segment that will trigger Fault Location Analysis to run (if implemented and enabled).
For customer transformers:
Submit Call…
Submit Calls…
Submit Power Out Calls for 20%
Simulate AMI Inputs…
Submit AMI Power-offs for 70%.
For upstream devices:
Submit Calls…
Submit Power Out Calls for 10%
Simulate AMI Inputs…
Submit AMI Power-offs for 30%.
The Submit Calls… and Simulate AMI Inputs… launch the Event Details Trouble Info tab Customers or AMI Customers pages, respectively, allowing you to create events for selected customers.