Submitting Customer Calls
The Trainer may add calls or AMI power off events to the scenario using the Control Tool in conjunction with Web Call Entry and Trouble Info.
Submitting a Singular Call
1. Select a device in the Viewer and launch the Control Tool.
2. Under the Calls... menu, select Submit Call... Web Call Entry will open and immediately display the Customer Selection window.
3. Select a customer row in the Customer Selection window.
4. Click OK. The selected customer data will load in Web Call Entry.
5. Click the Submit Call () button. This action will submit a Power Out call for the selected customer.
Submitting Multiple Calls
1. Select a device in the Viewer and launch the Control Tool.
2. Under the Calls... menu, select Submit Calls... The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens with the Customers view displayed.
3. Select customer rows in the Customers table
4. Click the Submit Call () button. This action will submit Power Out calls for each selected row.
Submitting AMI Power-off Commands
1. Select a device in the Viewer and launch the Control Tool.
2. Under the Calls... menu, select Simulate AMI Inputs… The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens with the AMI Customers view displayed.
3. Select customer rows in the AMI Customers table.
4. Click the Submit AMI Power-off () button.
Submitting AMI Power-on Commands
1. Select a device in the Viewer and launch the Control Tool.
2. Under the Calls... menu, select Simulate AMI Inputs… The Event Details Trouble Info tab opens with the AMI Customers view displayed.
3. Select customer rows in the AMI Customers table.
4. Submit AMI Power-on (). The Work Agenda's # Power Ups column will update as the power ups are processed.