Understanding the Main Menu - Full Operations User Type
The main menu bar has four major sections:
Illustrated screen capture highlighting the four main sections of the menu bar.
1. The Main Menu icon
The Main Menu opens the side panel with the main menu options:
Screen capture of Main menu.
Each Main menu option will be describe below.
2. The OMA user and Crew status – This section will inform the OMA user of the NMS server they are connected to, their username they logged in with, the crew they are associated with and the crew status and availability.
3. The Network Status – This will let the user know the network status of the device and will have three modes:
- The device is connect to the network and has a good connection to the NMS server.
- The device is connect to the network and the NMS server is not responding
- The device is not connect to any network and the NMS server is not reachable.
4. The Crew Emergency icon – This will bring up the crew emergency popup and will give the user the opportunity to cancel the emergency or to notify the NMS system of the emergency. If the user does not respond, the notification will happen automatically after a timeout period. Once in Emergency mode, the icon will turn yellow and a subsequent selection of the icon will allow the user to cancel the emergency if they can enter their login password.
Understanding Your Profile
A completed profile is required for all OMA users and will automatically pop up when you log in for the first time. You are required to populate the entire profile in order to continue to use OMA:
Screen capture of the user profile page.
Understanding Crews
The crew page contains the following tabs:
1. The Crew Availability tab
The crew availability tab allows the user to put the crew on or off shift and allows them to identify the crew as unavailable (Meeting, Coffee, …) and back to available:
Screen capture of the Crew Availability tab.
2. The Crew Makeup Tab
The Crew Makeup tab allows the user to update the details about the crew they are associated with:
Screen capture of Crew Makeup page.
3. The Select Crew Tab
The Select Crew tab is available to users with permission to change their associated crew. To associate yourself with a crew, select the crew card and then hit the check mark. Your associated crew will then appear on the top of the main menu bar.
Screen capture of the Select Crew tab.
Using the Documents Page
The Documents page lists any files or documents made available for the crew:
Screen capture of the Documents page.
If you tap a file in the list, you will have the option to view or download it.
View (): Allows you to view the file, if it is supported on your device or browser.
Download (Diamond shape with arrow icon that launches a map application.): Allows you to download the selected file.
Understanding Settings
The Settings page provides options for removing maps, selecting a map server, dynamic map updates (Real-Time mode), and selecting whether to display device symbol rotation. Other options may be made available to the user based on project requirements:
Screen capture of the Settings page showing the Map server selection.
The About page provides information about the application and associated servers.
Application Information
Product Version: The OMA release that is running.
Project Version: The version number for a build of OMA with project specific customizations.
Application Key
Application Server: Information about the NMS application server.
Mobile Server: Information about the NMS mobile gateway server.
To log out, select the main menu and the Logout button. On logout, you may be asked a number of questions, for example:
Would you like to suspend your active jobs?
Would you like to mark your crew as off-shift on logout?