Introduction to scadapop
The Oracle Utilities Network Management System (NMS) can accept updates from a variety of external (outside) Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. Multiple external SCADA systems can be connected to a single NMS instance. If necessary a different adapter can be used for each external SCADA a utility wishes to connect to. For example one SCADA system might use the ICCPAdapter, one the generic NMS SCADA adapter (RTAdapter) another might use a project specific or custom SCADA adapter. In all cases the NMS objects and attributes that can be updated from each external SCADA adapter must be defined before NMS can accept input from these SCADA systems. This section describes one mechanism for populating the necessary configuration tables with objects and attribute information so the SCADA adapter can pass information into NMS.
This assumes your ATTRIBUTES table has already been populated with the superset of available SCADA measurement attributes using your <project>_attributes.dat file. List any additional SCADA measurement attributes needed that have not already been defined in the nms_attributes.dat and load them using the normal set up process. Keep in mind that digitals should stay in the (0-999) range, analogs should be (1000-1999), and equipment should be from (2000-2999).