MultiSpeak Integration
If desired, the generic SCADA adapter can be used in conjunction with the NMS MultiSpeak (Java-based) SCADA adapter. The intent is to use the RTAdapter to provide a buffering mechanism for "noisy" SCADA systems that could potentially generate many periodic analog (or digital) updates. Using RTAdapter to capture and bundle incoming changes reduces the impact on the NMS CORBA Gateway and NMS CORBA publisher. Using RTAdapter with the "-dir RDBMS" option allows changes to be captured and sent in bulk to internal NMS Services.
If configured to do so, the NMS Web Gateway APIs used by the MultiSpeak SCADA interface will write to the SCADA_DIGITAL_IN and SCADA_ANALOG_IN tables when processing updates from an external SCADA, rather than submitting them directly to DDService. This behavior is controlled by three configuration properties, which can be added to the file.
When using this option, since both RTAdapter and MultiSpeak will necessarily reference the same SCADA measurements, it is necessary to use the "-config <scada>" RTAdapter option. The sole purpose of the "-config <scada>" option is to allow RTAdapter specific configuration within configuration tables shared with the MultiSpeak adapter. This allows RTAdapter and MultiSpeak to process the same measurements, but use adapter specific configuration.
1. intersys.use_db_for_scada_statuses
If set to 'true', then device status updates received from SCADA system will be written to the SCADA_DIGITAL_IN database table.
2. intersys.use_db_for_scada_digitals
If set to 'true', then updates to digital values received from SCADA system will be written to the SCADA_DIGITAL_IN database table.
3. intersys.use_db_for_scada_analogs
If set to 'true', then updates to analog values received from SCADA system will be written to the SCADA_ANALOG_IN database table
By default, all the above properties are set to 'false', which means that SCADA measurements will be sent directly to the internal DDService process.
In order to avoid conflict with MultiSpeak configuration options (shared by MultiSpeak adapter and RTAdapter), use the "-config <scada>" command line option for RTAdapter to allow RTAdapter specific config while referencing the same measurements as the MultiSpeak adapter. The <scada> value must still match a valid (alternative) scada_ids.scada_name value to leverage matching scada_synonyms and scada_states table configuration.