SCADA Calculation Engine Database Configuration
The SCADA_CALC_FUNC table holds the calculation engine configuration mapping. Insert into this table the specific rti_alias point names and functions to call for each mapping needed. Alternately, if your rti_alias point names follow the standard <device_alias>-<attribute name> convention, you can use [ALL], which creates this mapping for every device that has these measurements.
The generated primary key from the scada_calc_seq sequence.
The point name to update.
The function to call. NMS provides many examples in the scadacalc package.
The arguments to the function. Put single quotes around strings, like point names.
1. This multiplies the BR2411-kv_A by 1000 and puts it in the BR2411-v_A point, using the provided multiply_value() function:
INSERT INTO scada_calc_func (seq_id, rti_alias, func_name, func_args)
VALUES( scada_calc_seq.nextval, 'BR2411-v_A', 'scadacalc.multiply_value','''BR2411-kv_A'', 1000' );
2. This averages the by-phase BR2411-Amps_A, BR2411-Amps_B, and BR2411-Amps_C measurements and puts the result in the BR2411-Amps point, using the provided avg_3() function:
INSERT INTO scada_calc_func (seq_id, rti_alias, func_name, func_args)
VALUES( scada_calc_seq.nextval, 'BR2411-Amps', 'scadacalc.avg_3', '''BR2411-Amps_A'',''BR2411-Amps_B'',''BR2411-Amps_C''' );
3. This sums all Amps_A + Amps_B + Amps_C to the Amps_Sum measurement for every device that contains those measurements. All measurement rti_aliases must have the same prefix (usually the alias), and the suffixes must match the attribute names. This uses the provided sum_3() function:
INSERT INTO scada_calc_func (seq_id, rti_alias, func_name, func_args)
VALUES( scada_calc_seq.nextval, '[ALL]-Amps_Sum', 'scadacalc.sum_3', '''[ALL]-Amps_A'',''[ALL]-Amps_B'',''[ALL]-Amps_C''' );
A large set of functions are already available in the scadacalc package, but others can be defined by the project team, if needed.
Notes on adding new procedures:
Follow the convention that the first parameter is the resulting rti_alias name.
Be sure method names are unique. Add the number of arguments, analog or digital, etc. to make the names unique.
Use the existing scadacalc procedures as a guide and reuse the get_analog(), get_digital(), insert_analog(), insert_digital() functions.