The Oracle Utilities Network Management System-ODIN Adapter provides the ability to publish current outage information from the Oracle Utilities Network Management System in a format compatible with Outage Data Initiative Nationwide (ODIN). The adapter can be used to publish outage information to the ODIN website, to the Oracle Utilities Digital Self Service Outage Map, or to any other destination that accepts this format. The adapter periodically collects outage information from the Oracle Utilities Network Management System database and publishes it by making a web service call to the configured URL. Published outage information includes individual outages and outage information aggregated by geographical area (such as county, zip code, municipality, and so on).
Note: ODIN seeks to establish a comprehensive digital reporting standard for power outage data to enable utilities and others to exchange data freely with designated stakeholders at all levels.
The program, led by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Electricity, builds on the success of a pilot effort in the state of Washington.
For more information see ODIN (