Periodic Execution
The nms-stormert-extract script can be executed periodically using cron (job-scheduling mechanism in Unix-like operating systems).
Example of cron configuration that does the following:
1. Extract and upload active outage information every 5 minutes.
2. Extract active and 14 days of restored outages every hour.
3. Extract customers, storm and control zone information once a day.
4. Log script output into the $NMS_LOG_DIR/stormert.log file.
0 * * * * . $HOME/.nmsrc; nms-stormert-extract -outages -restored 14 -upload >> $NMS_LOG_DIR/stormert.log
5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * . $HOME/.nmsrc; nms-stormert-extract -outages -upload >> $NMS_LOG_DIR/stormert.log
3 1 * * * . $HOME/.nmsrc; nms-stormert-extract -storms -zones -customers -upload >> $NMS_LOG_DIR/stormert.log
Uploading Data to Object Storage in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
In order to upload extracted data to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command Line Interface (CLI) needs to be installed and added to the PATH environment variable.
See Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation for details about installing and configuring the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Command Line Interface.
Uploading Data to SFTP Server
Target SFTP server must be configured to use SFTP public key authentication.