As mentioned previously the FLISR application is configured through the Feeder Management tab of the Configuration Assistant tool. The options that affect it are:
Power Flow Mode (PF Mode)
The PF Mode configures the type of Load Flow analysis performed for a feeder or island. When feeders in the same island have different modes the least accurate mode is used for the whole islands - that is kVA Mode. The choices are:
FLISR can be run in one of three modes, which is configurable on a per-feeder basis from the Feeder Management tab. The modes are:
Disabled: FLISR will not run on this feeder. This is useful for feeders where data or field infrastructure requirements have not been met.
Manual: FLISR will produce solutions on this feeder but not automatically execute them. The solutions must be reviewed by an operator first. This is useful for building confidence in the solution.
Automatic: FLISR will automatically execute the best solution it can find for a feeder, provided no blocking conditions (including violations) are detected. The solutions can be reviewed by an operator after execution.
Restore Only: FLISR can use the feeder as a restore feeder to pickup load from an adjacent faulted feeder, but it will not attempt to find isolation/restore solutions for faults on this feeder.