Trouble Management & Events
The DMS applications will create events that can be seen in the regular Operator Workspace applications, such as Work Agenda and Event Details.
Operators that are familiar with the OMS applications will be immediately comfortable as DMS modules are added. Filters can be created to route DMS related events to operators with specific roles.
Events that can be created by DMS applications include:
FLISR Event: Created when an unsolicited outage (with lockout) is reported by SCADA. FLISR attempts to find a way to isolate the fault and restore service via SCADA controllable sectionalizers.
Fault Event (FLA): Created when a device reports a momentary or sustained outage as a result of a field fault (a fault current reported). FLA attempts to predict the location of the event based on reported fault currents.
Optimization Event: Created when an optimization opportunity has been detected. The Optimization module makes suggestions to perform Loss Minimization, Power Factor Correction, Conservation Voltage Reduction or Overload Relief optimizations.
DER Event: Created when a problem is forecasted or detected for a Distributed Energy Resource. The scenarios include: Current or future overload of the device's capacity/rating, Current or future expiration of the device's fuel supply. Typically these events are generated for only utility and commercial scale DERs where fuel and generation capacity are known, behind the meter DER units are not monitored to the same extent.