As mentioned previously the optimization application is configured through the Feeder Management tab of the Configuration Assistant tool. The configuration only impacts how optimization is run on the real-time network. For Study mode optimization analysis, the options are selected via the wizard that the operator uses to conduct the analysis.
The options that affect real-time optimization are:
Feeder Type
This option confirms the role played by a feeder in the network. It is probable that this can be detected correctly at model build time and therefore should not be alterable in the tool. However for various reasons (primarily the way the GIS model works) it is not always possible to correctly identify the role at model build time and manual configuration is necessary.
The feeder type option does not directly affect the functionality of the optimization engine. It does however control which other parameters and options are available for optimization configuration. The options available are:
Sub Transmission: The feeder is part of the sub-transmission network.
Sub Transmission Xfmr: The "feeder" is a transformer in sub-transmission network. Downstream feeders are considered to be sub-transmission and therefore not directly serving load.
Primary: The feeder is part of the distribution network and feeds load. It is therefore a good candidate for optimization.
Primary Xfmr: The "feeder" is a transformer in a substation and its immediate downstream feeders are considered Primary feeders. Typically the optimization engine will expect these devices to have LTCs that are auto or manually regulating and these devices are typically the location where the bulk of optimizations are achieved.
Secondary: The Low Voltage part of the distribution network. Typically not modeled by North American utilities. In other regions these are modeled due to the prevalence of switchable devices in the secondary network.
Secondary Xfmr: The "feeder" is the transformer between the Primary and Secondary networks. Often referred to as the distribution xfmr.
None: The feeder's role in the network is unclear.
Optimization Mode
This option configures how and when a optimization is performed.
For feeders that have been configured with a type of "Primary Xfmr" the following options are available:
Automatic (Slow Cycle): The feeder will be optimized after hourly FLM forecasts have been completed; this means in practice that optimization will be performed once per hour. If an optimization opportunity is identified a switch plan will be created and automatically executed.
Automatic (Fast Cycle): The feeder will be optimized after cyclical FLM analysis has been completed; this means in practice that optimization will be performed once every 15 minutes (or whatever cycle time FLM is configured for). If an optimization opportunity is identified a switch plan will be created and automatically executed.
Manual (Slow Cycle): As with the automatic option, the feeder will be optimized after hourly FLM forecasts have been completed; this means in practice that optimization will be performed once per hour. If an optimization opportunity is identified a report is generated which must be reviewed by the operator before a switch plan can be created and executed.
Manual (Fast Cycle): As with the automatic option, the feeder will be optimized after cyclical FLM analysis has been completed; this means in practice that optimization will (by default) be performed once every 15 minutes. If an optimization opportunity is identified a report is generated which must be reviewed by the operator before a switch plan can be created and executed.
Disable: The feeder will not be optimized.
For feeders that have been configured with a type of "Primary" the following options are available:
Enable: The regulating devices on a feeder will be considered when determining an optimization opportunity for the upstream "Primary Xfmr".
Disable: The regulating devices on a feeder will not be considered when determining an optimization opportunity for the upstream "Primary Xfmr".
For all other "Feeder Types" it is not possible to set the Optimization Mode.
Optimization Objective
This option configures which objective should be used when performing the analysis. The following options are available:
Loss Minimization
Power Factor Correction
Conservation Voltage Reduction (CVR)
Overload Relief