Altering and/or Translating the Reports
Adding XLIFF translation file
The reports used for printing can be easily translated to alternate languages or the labels updated to something more appropriate to the project. Simply edit the report layout, open the ‘Layout Properties’ page and click Extract Translation. Within this XML file you will find a number of <trans-unit> elements with <source> and <target> sub-elements. Update the <target> entry with your translated or altered label.
For all languages except Chinese and Portuguese (Brazil), if you wish to create a language specific version of the XLIFF file, name the translated report file according to the following standard:
WebSwitching_<language_code>.xlf or WorkAgenda_<language_code>.xlf
where <language_code> is the two-letter ISO language code (in lower case). For example, WebSwitching_en.xlf for English.
For Chinese (China), Chinese (Taiwan), and Portuguese (Brazil) you must use the language code and territory code in the translated file name as follows:
For more information on translating reports, see the section "Translating Reports" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide.
In order to utilize a language specific XLIFF file, the WEB_bipub.locale parameter has to be set correctly in the CES_PARAMETERS table. For example, if the language is English, the XLIFF file name would be WebSwitching_en.xlf and WEB_bipub.locale would be set to en-US in the CES_PARAMETERS table.
Updating the Sub-Template and Template Files
The sub-template and template files can be altered to accommodate project requirements.
From the BI Publisher Home page, select the Download BI Publisher Tools option and select the version of BI Publisher Desktop that matches the version of Microsoft Office on your PC. Once installed, use Microsoft Word to edit the RTF sub-template and template files. Labels and the layout of data entries can be easily manipulated from this editor.
A new menu named Oracle BI Publisher will be added to Microsoft Word. Select the Help option from menu for more in-depth information on editing templates.
The Work Agenda report templates were not created as RTF files and instead were developed from within BI Publisher. To edit the Work Agenda reports, simply select the Edit link from the WorkAgenda Templates item found in the BI Publisher WorkAgenda folder. This will initiate the editor built into BI Publisher. For more information on the BI Publisher Editor, see the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher User's Guide.
The Web Switching Impacted Customers report template is not used by the Product export options CSV (Comma Separated Values) and XML. These output types are driven by the data model queries and do not require a report template, but an empty report template is required for the request to work properly from NMS.
Updating the Report Template File
The RTF templates use data extracted from queries defined in the BI Publisher data model. For Web Switching, the data model is defined in the NMS Data Model. The reports are configured in two template files. The Sub Template defines each section of the switching sheet to be included in the report. These sections can then be included in each individual template that defines the layout for each switching sheet type. With the sub template, you only need to make a change once and have it included by multiple templates in the final reports. If each of your sheet type templates will have completely different layouts, then the sub template sections may not be of any use. It is up to each project to determine how much configuration they will reuse in their reports.
To modify the data model and alter the data sets, do the following:
1. Log into BI Publisher 11g.
2. Go to the Catalog Folders and select the WebSwitching folder where your report templates and data model are stored.
3. Select the Edit link for the NMS Data Model entry in the WebSwitching folder.
4. On the left you will find all the data sets used by the Web Switching reports. Select one of the data sets. For example, select the Q_STEPS data set.
5. The Data Model viewer will be displayed. Click the Edit Selected Data Set button on the Diagram tab’s toolbar.
6. The Edit Data Set dialog is displayed. From this editor, you can alter the query to include additional data elements that may be required to be referenced in the RTF templates. Click OK when you are finished.
7. In the upper right-hand corner of the NMS Data Model tab, click the Save button to save your changes.
To modify RTF template files, do the following:
1. Log into BI Publisher 11g.
2. Go to Catalog Folders, and select the WebSwitching folder where your report templates and data model are stored.
3. Select the Edit link for the SubTemplate entry in the WebSwitching folder.
4. From the Sub Template tab, select the English (United States) entry from the Templates list. You will be asked to open or save the file. Save the file to your local PC.
5. From your local PC, edit the file you just saved using Microsoft Word and close the document when you are done.
6. Go back to the Sub Template tab within BI Publisher and click the Upload button to upload the newly edited sub template file.
7. Save the Sub Template changes in BI Publisher. Initiating a print or email request from NMS will utilize your new template changes.
Report Template:
1. Log into BI Publisher 11g.
2. Go to Catalog Folders and select the WebSwitching folder where your report templates and data model are stored.
3. Select the Edit link for the Templates entry in the WebSwitching folder.
4. Select the Edit link for the report template you wish to edit. You will be asked to open or save the file. Save the file to your local PC.
5. From your local PC, edit the file you just saved using Microsoft Word and close the document when you are done.
6. Go back to the Templates tab within BI Publisher, delete the original template and click the Add New Layout button found on the upper right corner of the Templates folder.
7. From the Upload or Generate Layout section, select the Upload option. Fill out the Layout Name, File, Type (RTF), and Locale (English (United States)). The Layout Name should be one of the following: VVOSheet, EmergencySheet, PlannedSheet, TemplateSheet, OutageCorrectionSheet, TrainingScenarioSheet, MiscLog, or StandaloneSafety.
8. Save the Template changes in BI Publisher. Initiating a print or email request from NMS will utilize your new template changes.
Changing Date Formats
BI Publisher Report Templates
BI Publisher report template date fields are formatted using the NMS_DATE_FORMAT, which is based on the Centricity.DBDateTimeFormat parameter in (product/global/properties/
Miscellaneous Log Report
Dates in the Miscellaneous Log report use the DBDateFormat parameter, which does not include time. To alter the date format for the Miscellaneous Log, update the DBDateFormat parameter in (product/global/properties/