Oracle Users
Once the tablespace is established, you must create users and grant their permissions. Oracle users are those users that have access to the Oracle tablespaces. Before defining the users, it is important to discuss the security role that a user can possess.
Security Roles
Security roles determine the level of database operations that a user can perform. There are two types of security roles:
Read-write role. This role has read and write privileges to the production data. It can delete from, update to, and insert to, all of the production tablespace objects.
Read-only role. This role can only connect and select data from the production tablespace objects.
Note: Certain security tables, such as ces_users, are excluded from the view of the ces_ro role.
There are three Oracle RDBMS schema/users for each Oracle Utilities Network Management System instance. Each user directly relates to the tablespaces. Substitute specific customer name for [project] where noted below.
The [project_admin] Oracle user is the owner of the admin schema and the production tablespace. This user has a ces_rw role and maintains full Data Definition Language control of the data elements in the production tablespace. This user is used during initial setup and when installing patches.
The [project]_1 Oracle user is the owner of the read/write schema. The user has the ces_rw role. This schema only contains synonyms to objects in the [project]_admin schema and has select/insert/update/delete/execute (Data Manipulation Language) permission on [project]_admin schema objects. This user is used for most day-to-day operations.
The [project]_1_ro Oracle user is the application user. This user has a ces_ro role to the production tablespace.
The [project]_2 Oracle user has the same purpose as the [project]_1 user, except it is used by the second environment in dual-environment configuration.
The [project]_2_ro Oracle user has the same purpose as the [project]_1_ro user, except it is used by the second environment in dual-environment configuration.
The [project]_customers user has full privileges to the customer data tablespace only and no privileges on the production tablespace.