System Overview
An Oracle Utilities Network Management System includes:
Isis internal message bus
Oracle Utilities Network Management System services
Oracle WebLogic Java Application Server
Java Oracle Utilities Network Management System Clients
Oracle Relational Database Management System
The Oracle Utilities Network Management System can be broken down into individual components. Each component is installed and configured separately. Oracle Utilities Network Management System uses a client/server architecture. The server supports Oracle Utilities Network Management System daemon processes, while the clients display a graphical user interface to allow the user to interact with the system. Internal daemon service process to daemon service process communication is managed with a concurrency management and messaging system called isis. Isis is the backbone of the communication architecture for an Oracle Utilities Network Management System. The network model, system configuration, and operational data is all stored persistently in an Oracle database.
The table below describes the Oracle Utilities Network Management System components.
Client User Environments
The Java-based end-user environments are configured using a combination of SQL files (RDBMS table based configuration), XML files, and Java properties files. The XML files are based on an NMS-specific XML schema, which provides the foundation for Java user interface customization.
Clients access services and tools through a central concurrency management and messaging system called isis. Isis is a real-time implementation of message oriented middleware that helps provide access to the Oracle Utilities Network Management System daemon service processes as well as inter-daemon process communication.
Services maintain and manage the real-time electrical network data model. Services also cache information from the database tables to optimize client information access.
Oracle WebLogic
Oracle WebLogic hosts Oracle Utilities Network Management System specific Enterprise Java Beans (EJBs). These EJBs help cache the network model and process updates/requests to/from Java clients as well as to/from external systems.
The Web-Gateway is a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) interface between Network Management System daemon processes and WebLogic EJBs.
Oracle Database
The Oracle Database contains the complete network data model, configuration, and operational data history of an Oracle Utilities Network Management System.
Note: Services, applications, and the Oracle RDBMS tablespaces can be spread over multiple servers or run on a single server. The simplest configuration is for everything (Oracle RDBMS, Oracle Utilities Network Management System services and Oracle WebLogic Java Application Server to run on a single (generally SMP) server. Common variations would include the use of a cluster based hardware server to support high-availability (for Oracle RDBMS and Oracle Utilities Network Management System Services). This provides flexibility for system configuration, depending on your needs and hardware.
User Environments
Oracle Utilities Network Management System provides distinct user environments based on the tasks that different users perform. The system configuration defines the relationship between a user type and the grouping of tools that make up their user environment. The user type defines not only what tools are visible when their particular environment opens, but also what tools and modes of operation are available to that user.
The Java/Swing-based end-user environments are configured using a combination of SQL files (RDBMS table based configuration), XML files, and Java properties files. The XML files are based on an Oracle Utilities Network Management System XML schema that allows the Java user interface to be customized for a particular project implementation.
Isis is a synchronous/asynchronous real-time publication/subscription message bus. Isis is used to coordinate requests and updates between Oracle Utilities Network Management System daemon processes. Isis only runs on the same node as Oracle Utilities Network Management System daemon processes.
Oracle Utilities Network Management System requires an Oracle relational database management system (RDBMS). The database persistently manages the tables that define the information constructs of the electrical network data model (sometimes called an operations model). Oracle Utilities Network Management System services cache information from the relational tables. These tables include the management of system constructs such as handles and aliases, class hierarchy, topology model, device status, events, incidents (trouble calls), outages, alarms, switch plans, and conditions.
Database installation and configuration follow these basic steps:
The Oracle RDBMS is initially configured using the product's standard installation and configuration procedures. To help you get started, Oracle provides an example network data and customer model (Oracle Power and Light) that can be installed out of the box.
Using Oracle Utilities Network Management System utilities, the initial schema is installed and populated. For a new project installation (not out of the box Oracle Power and Light), note that significant work must generally be undertaken to translate available electrical network topology and customer model data into the standard schema required by the Oracle Utilities Network Management System. This is an effort often measured in weeks or months, not days. Proper conversion of available network and customer data to the standard Oracle Utilities Network Management System schema is generally the most time consuming aspect of a project implementation.
If you are performing an upgrade, you may need to perform a schema migration and/or an RDBMS based configuration migration.
All Oracle Utilities Network Management System schema definitions follow the SQL standard. Schema installation and population use SQL scripts that are generally executed via the SQL interface (ISQL) to the Oracle RDBMS instance. The necessary data elements required for an Oracle Utilities Network Management System consist of the following components.
Oracle Tablespaces
Used for persistent storage of production data (e.g., network components, operations data, etc), customer information and indexes. The Oracle Utilities Network Management System model is typically loaded into two or more separate tablespaces, Electrical Network Operations data, and Customer Model data (name, address, phone, account, etc.).