Configuring Classes and Inheritance
Web Switching Management utilizes standard classes to define the switching sheet types. The following table lists the classes utilized by Web Switching Management:
Class Name
The class is used for switching step handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The class is used for study time step state transitions. The class allows us to configure different transitions for steps in study mode. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for Planned switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for Emergency switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
This sheet class is not used by Product configuration, but it is defined as part of the core classes. This class can be redefined and given a new name if the project wants a new switching sheet type. The switching sheet class numbers are referenced in the SWMAN_SHEET_CLS database configuration table.
The sheet class used for Outage Correction switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for FLISR switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for VVO switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for Template switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for Training scenario switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for Load Shed switching sheet handles. This class is defined as part of core classes and should not be changed.
This class is used to give the Planned, Emergency, FLISR and Outage Correction sheet types their unique switching sheet numbers. The next_free_index value for this class in the CLASSES table defines the next available sheet number to use for these four sheet types. Since all four of these sheet types gather their switching sheet numbers from the same pool, none of them can have identical sheet numbers. For more information, see Sheet Types.
For Product configuration, this class also is set up to inherit from classes switch_sheet_planned, switch_sheet_emergency and switch_sheet_fault. This inheritance defines whether events are associated to the steps recorded into the sheets. Events are associated to steps so that events follow the steps if they are moved from one sheet to another. If you define a new Planned or Emergency sheet type for your project, then you will need to add that new class to the list of classes that the switch_sheet class inherits from.
The sheet class used for the Miscellaneous Log handle. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
The sheet class used for stand alone safety documents. Stand alone safety documents are sheets behind the scenes with a web safety GUI front end. This class also triggers special processing throughout the system to process stand alone safety documents correctly. This class is defined as part of the core classes and should not be changed.
This class inherits from the list of device class types that should be used to generate isolation steps for the Generate Isolate Steps button option found on the conductor based Control Tools. When looking for isolation points and a device of the inherited class type is found, then switching steps to open and tag the device will be generated. For more information, see Generate Isolation Steps.
This class inherits from the list of device class types that should be used to generate tagging switching steps for devices that are already open. When selecting the Generate Isolate Steps option on the conductor based Control Tool and a device of the inherited device class is traced to and found open, then it will be tagged. For more information, see Generate Isolation Steps.
The safety document class used for INFO safety document handles. The safety document classes are referenced in the SWMAN_SAFETY_TYPES database configuration table.
The safety document class used for CLEAR safety document handles.
The safety document class used for HOLD safety document handles.
The safety document class used for HOT safety document handles.
The safety document class used for WARN safety document handles.
The safety document class used for Delegated Control safety document handles.
This class inherits from the safety condition classes and defines whether a condition in status 1 to 999 can be removed. If a condition is a descendant of this safetytag class, then it cannot be removed until its status is returned to 0 or its status is greater than or equal to 1000.