Database Data Tables
The following database data tables are used by Web Switching Management to store data related to switching sheets and safety documents. Most of the tables used by Web Switching Management should not require any changes by the project. There are however a few tables that will require changes if the project adds additional data elements to the switching sheet body, the switching steps or the safety document body. Those tables are SWMAN_SHEET, SWMAN_SHEET_HIST, SWMAN_STEP and SWMAN_SAFETY_DOCS. All the other Web Switching and Web Safety tables will not require any changes unless a database table field size needs to be increased because of project specific data requirements.
This table stores all the audit log entries for the switching sheets and safety documents. Safety documents also get their audit log entries from the SWMAN_STEP table. This would include when conditions are applied and removed for a document.
This table stores all the contractor crews that have been created for Web Switching or Web Safety. These contractor crews are not visible or available to any other NMS tools in the system. The crews are created by filling out the form on the Select Crew and Select Safety Crew dialogs at the top of the Contractors tab. The table has a couple of custom text fields called CUSTOM_1 and CUSTOM_2 that can be used by the project to add additional fields and content to the contractor crew records. The Select Crew dialogs will need to be altered by the project to include the custom fields.
This table stores the user assigned crews to the sheets. These crews are assigned to the sheet using the Select Crew dialog. It is possible to also add records to this table and define default crews that should show up on every switching sheet's Crews list. See “Default Crews” for more information.
This table stores a list of customers that were deleted from a sheet's impacted customer list. These customers are not actually deleted from the model. They are just marked as being removed from the impacted customer list.
This table stores the list of supply nodes impacted by a switching sheet's steps. In most cases, this list is generated manually by a user and is generated against the user's Study session.
This table will normally only ever have one record and that's the last model edit or build patch that was processed by the Web Switching service. The service determines the devices affected by the patch listed and flags any steps related to those devices. This table is used by internal processing and does not contain any data that may be displayed to a user.
This table stores the user assigned crews to the safety documents. These crews are assigned to the safety document using the Select Safety Crew dialog. These are the crews that show up in the Assigned Crews list on the safety documents.
This is the core data table for all the safety documents. This data table includes all the core information about the safety document like what state it is in, what sheet it is associated to, the crew it was issued to and whether it had been deleted or not. Additional project-specific columns can be added to this table. The mapping for these columns is configured in the eclipselink-orm.xml file. See “Configuring Project-Specific Columns” for more information.
This is the core data table for all the switching sheets. This data table includes all the core information about the switching sheet like what state it is in, the sheet's version, the master device associated to the sheet, Start and Finish dates and other key elements pertaining to the sheet. The general rule is that if any value on the switching sheet has any code based processing, then it gets included in this table. Additional project-specific columns can be added to this table. The mapping for these columns is configured in the eclipselink-orm.xml file. See “Configuring Project-Specific Columns” for more information.
Note: Any changes made to this table have to also be made to the SWMAN_SHEET_HISTORY table.
This table stores all the external documents that have attached to the switching sheet. The documents are stored as BLOBs in this table. The table also includes a user description about the attachment, the file name and the size of the file.
This table stores a copy of the current sheet just before its version is incremented. This table is used to determine the differences between two switching sheet versions. Currently, there is no mechanism in place to display these differences to the user on the GUI. This table is being populated for reporting and diagnosis purposes only. Additional project-specific columns can be added to this table. The mapping for these columns is configured in the eclipselink-orm.xml file. See “Configuring Project-Specific Columns” for more information.
Note: Any changes made to this table have to also be made to the SWMAN_SHEET table.
This table maintains the list of view areas that have been created and associated to each of the switching sheets.
This is the core data table for all the switching sheet steps. This data table includes all the core information about the switching sheet steps like what state the step is in, the sheet version the step was added under, the device associated to the step, and other key elements pertaining to the steps. The general rule is that if any value within the step has any code based processing, then it gets included in this table. Additional project-specific columns can be added to this table. The mapping for these columns is configured in the eclipselink-orm.xml file. See “Configuring Project-Specific Columns” for more information.
This table stores the crews to the switching sheet audit log entries. Some crew related audit log entries can be associated to multiple crews, so this table is used to manage that list of crews. These are the crews that show up in the Crews field of the audit log.
This table stores the edit log entries for a safety documents. Configured fields within a safety document can be logged as edits are made to them. This table stores those edits and is used to populate the safety document's Edit Log.
These are the manual and soft sheet to outage event associations. The table has a sheet handle and an event handle. JMService manages this list.
This table stores the user assigned crews to the switching sheet steps. These crews are assigned to the switching steps when selecting steps and crews during the instructing and completing of switching steps. These are the crews that show up in the Instructed To field of the switching step.