Installing and Configuring Optional Components
Spatial Landbase Map Installation
Prerequisite: installation of OPAL Spatial Landbase Maps requires the Map Builder component of Oracle Fusion Middleware MapViewer ; see “Requirements for Spatial Landbase” for details.
Use the following optional procedure to load the OPAL Spatial Landbase maps:
1. Unzip the OPAL spatial shapefiles and metadata file:
$ unzip
2. Start Oracle Map Builder
$ cd [directory where mapbuilder.jar is installed]
$ run java -Xms200m -Xmx1000m -jar mapbuilder.jar
3. In Map Builder, select File/New Connection… Specify the connection information to connect to the server where the spatial data will be placed. Then connect to the server. This is the same database and user as the NMS system.
4. In Map Builder, select Tools/Import Shapefile… and click Next.
Under Data Selection, select the Multiple Files or Directories and change the Selection drop down list to Directory.
Click Select; navigate to and Open the $NMS_CONFIG/spatial_landbase directory.
Click Next.
Set the SRID to 41100 (Ohio 3401, Northern Zone (1983, US Survey feet)), deselect Append '_mb' to attribute names in new tables, and deselect Append records if table exists.
Click Next, Next, and Finish.
5. Import the metadata for the spatial map data. In Map Builder, select Tools/Import Metadata.
Click File; navigate to and Open the NMS_CONFIG/spatial_landbase/SpatialMetadata.dat file.
Select Styles, Themes, and Base Maps, and then click Ok.
6. Verify that the OPAL spatial landbase maps and metadata loaded correctly.
In the Map Builder left panel, which lists the Metadata directory, expand the Base Maps directory and double click the PRODUCT_PROJECTED_LANDBASE Base Map icon.
From the main panel, in the PRODUCT_PROJECTED_LANDBASE top tab, select the Preview lower tab, then click the green “Play” icon. You should see OPAL landbase data appear in the preview panel.
Remember to set up a new Generic Data Source in the Oracle WebLogic Server Runtime Configuration to include a name like JDBC Data Source-spatial with a JNDI name: jdbc/spatial pointing to the same database as the jdbc/intersys connection.
Spatial Outage Summary Installation
This optional installation procedure provides support for displaying spatial outage summary information in the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Viewer and supports the interface to Oracle Utilities Customer Self Service.
1. Install the optional Spatial Landbase Maps (from the previous section).
2. Copy $NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ to $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml/.
<!-- Used in SpatialLayers.xml
Used to define the connection string for Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS)
to the spatial server -->
<SpatialBGLayer datasource_name="spatial" jndi_name="jdbc/spatial"
basemap_name="CSS_PROJECTED_LANDBASE" viewer_layer_name="spatial_landbase"/>
4. Run the setup script for the OPAL outage summary views:
$ OPAL-CSS-setup
5. Edit the $NMS_HOME/etc/system.dat file by adding or changing the program TSService line to have the outageSumScript and outageSumPeriod parameters:
program TSService TSService -outageSumScript $NMS_HOME/bin/OPAL‑CSS‑refresh ‑outageSumPeriod 1
For demonstration environments, the recommended outageSumPeriod is 1 (minute); for production environments, a value of 10 to 15 is recommended.
6. Remove the # (comment) sign at the beginning of the line:
#instance <local> TSService
7. Save the file.
8. Stop and restart SMService:
$ Action any.SMService+TSService stop
$ smsstart
9. If you are adding this optional feature after installing and configuring the web application server (described in the sections starting with “Web Application Configuration”), install your new java configurations using the following command:
$ nms-install-config --java
Re-deploy and restart the Web Application in WebLogic NMS. Otherwise you will complete this process in the following sections.
Web Map Server Connection
Google Maps
This optional installation procedure provides support for displaying Google Maps behind the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Viewer:
1. Edit or create a project configuration of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties
$ vi $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties \
Note: see the Viewer Configuration section in the Java Application Configuration chapter of the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide for other Hide/Display configuration options.
2. Add the following lines to the end of the file and save it. These will be the labels in the Web Viewer Hide/Display Spatial Landbase drop‑down list:
3. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
4. Change the project version of the file to have SpatialBGLayers referencing the Google Maps server:
<SpatialBGLayer provider="web1" basemap_name="roadmap"
<SpatialBGLayer provider="web1" basemap_name="hybrid"
5. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
6. Change the project version of the file to have COMBOBOX_HD_SPATIAL referencing the Google Map Server and layers you wish to configure, for example:
<ComboBoxPlacement start="1,relative" width="1" height="1"
<Editable initial="false"/>
<Key value="None"/>
<Key value="Google Roadmap"/>
<Key value="Google Satellite"/>
<Command value="RefreshCommand"/>
7. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server
$ cp $NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/server/ \ $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server
8. Change the project version of the file to have parameters referencing the Google Map Server license keys, URL, and configuration information provided to you by Google:
# http address:
# http base address required by the web map service
viewer.web1_maps_http_address =
# http browser address:
# http base browser address
viewer.web1_maps_browser_http_address =
# key:
# Key as provided by Google for basic or trial key.
# If using Google Maps for Work/Business, set key to the
# provided crypto key and also set the client_id as provided
viewer.web1_maps_key = AIzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz20-4xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFg
#viewer.web1_maps_key = SXXXXXxXXxxXXxXXXXXxXXxxxxQ=
#viewer.web1_maps_client_id = gme-oraclenms
# logo:
# name of the logo image file of the map server
viewer.web1_maps_logo = google-map-logo_sm.png
# mapsize:
# Recommened size: 640 - will work
# Max 2048 based on server
viewer.web1_maps_mapsize = 640
# If this is set to true, the map will be downloaded by the server.
# If it is false, it will instead be downloaded by the client
viewer.web1_server_download = true
# scale:
# if map size=640, recommended scale: 2
# if map size 2048, recommended scale: 1
# domain: 1, 2, 4
viewer.web1_maps_scale = 2
# copyright information may be required to be displayed on the
# bottom of the static map image. This value will define the height
# to clip off the original image and scale to the bottom of
# the clipped image
viewer.web1_maps_copyright_height_percent = 0.016
# This parameter will identify which map type server to use
# for non-spatial map mode, value should be "web1" or "web2",
# when focusing in a browser.
viewer.default_maps_browser_provider = web1
# Please be sure to set the ces_parameters for
9. If you are adding this optional feature after installing and configuring the web application server (described in the sections starting with Web Application Configuration below), install your new java configurations using the following command:
$ nms-install-config --java
Re-deploy and restart the Web Application in WebLogic NMS. Please note, you may need to reconfigure your WebLogic application if you now need to configure for a proxy-server. Otherwise you will complete this process in the following sections.
Bing Maps
This optional installation procedure provides support for displaying Bing Maps behind the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Web Viewer:
1. Edit or create a project configuration of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties
$ vi $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/properties/
Note: see the “Viewer Configuration” section in the "Java Application Configuration" chapter of the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide for other Hide/Display configuration options.
2. Add the following lines to the end of the file and save it. These will be the labels in the Web Viewer Hide/Display Spatial Landbase drop-down list:
COMBOBOX_HD_SPATIAL.bing_road.text = Bing Road
COMBOBOX_HD_SPATIAL.bing_aerial.text = Bing Aerial
3. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
4. Change the project version of the file to have SpatialBGLayers referencing the Bing Maps server:
<SpatialBGLayer provider="web2" basemap_name="road"
<SpatialBGLayer provider="web2" basemap_name="aerialwithlabels"
5. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
6. Change the project version of the file to have COMBOBOX_HD_SPATIAL referencing the Bing Map Server and layers you wish to configure, for example:
<ComboBoxPlacement start="1,relative" width="1" height="1"
<Editable initial="false"/>
<Key value="None"/>
<Key value="Bing Road"/>
<Key value="Bing Arial"/>
<Command value="RefreshCommand"/>
7. If you don't have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/server/ \ $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/server
8. Change the project version of the file to have parameters referencing the Bing Map Server license keys, URL, and configuration information provided to you by Bing:
# http address:
# http base address required by the web map service
viewer.web2_maps_http_address =
# http browser address:
# http base browser address
viewer.web2_maps_browser_http_address =
# key:
# Key as provided by the web map service
viewer.web2_maps_key = Ar5_nnnnnnnn_cc-VwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwZ-p5bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbZ
# logo:
# name of the logo image file of the map server
viewer.web2_maps_logo = bing_logo_sm.png
# mapsize:
# Recommended size: 834
viewer.web2_maps_mapsize = 834
# If this is set to true, the map will be downloaded by the server. # If it is false, it will instead be downloaded by the client
viewer.web2_server_download = true
# This parameter will identify which map type server to use for
# non-spatial map mode, value should be "web1" or "web2", when
# focusing in a browser.
viewer.default_maps_browser_provider = web2
# Please be sure to set the ces_parameters for
9. If you are adding this optional feature after installing and configuring the web application server (described in the sections starting with Web Application Configuration below), install your new java configurations using the following command:
$ nms-install-config --java
Re-deploy and restart the Web Application in WebLogic NMS. Please note, you may need to reconfigure your WebLogic application if you now need to configure for a proxy-server. Otherwise you will complete this process in the following sections.
Oracle Locator Server Connection
This optional installation procedure provides support for displaying Oracle Locator maps behind the Oracle Utilities Network Management System Viewer. These instructions assume you have a populated Oracle Locator database accessible to the WebLogic server and that you have set up a datasource in WebLogic to connect to the Locator database schema. If you do not have a Locator database, refer to Oracle Locator and the Oracle (Fusion Middleware) MapViewer Map Builder documentation on building a Locator database.
1. If you do not have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
2. Change the project version of the file to have SpatialBGLayers referencing the Bing Maps server:
<SpatialBGLayer datasource_name="spatial"
<SpatialBGLayer datasource_name="spatial"
Set datasouce_name to the WebLogic datasouce name to connect to the Locator server.
Set jndi_name to the WebLogic datasource jndi name to connect to the Locator server.
Set the basemap_name to the Oracle Locator/Map Builder base map name.
Set the viewer_layer_name to match the case insensitive, under bar for blanks key name in the SPATIAL_COMBOBOX below.
3. If you do not have a project version of the file in $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml, copy the product file to your configuration directory:
$ mkdir -p $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/viewer/xml
$ cp \
$NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/viewer/xml/ \ \
Configuring a Web Call Entry-Only Managed Server
The managed server for Web Call Entry can be configured to not require access to the corbagateway or publisher. (Only the database).
Set the managed server up normally with the following changes:
1. Add –DcorbaInitRef=NONE to the managed server startup parameters (See “Configure the Arguments to Use When Starting a Server in Your Domain”.)
2. Change to have only LicensedProduct=WebCallentry.
3. Create overrides for Web Call configuration files by copying the following files from $NMS_BASE/dist/baseconfig/product/ops/callentry/xml/:
to $NMS_CONFIG/jconfig/ops/callentry/xml.
4. Edit the new by replacing:
<Command value="ValidateCallDataCommand"/>
<Command value="SaveCommand"/>
with this:
<Enabled initial="false" when="SAVEABLE or (FUZZY_CALL and
<Command value="ValidateCallDataCommand"/>
<Command value="SaveCommand">
<Config name="connection" value="database"/>
5. Edit DLG_SAVE_FUZZY.xml by changing
<Enabled initial="false" when="FUZZY_CALL and TXTF_ADDRESS_POPULATED"/>
<Command value="SaveCommand"/>
to this:
<Enabled initial="false" when="FUZZY_CALL and TXTF_ADDRESS_POPULATED"/>
<Command value="SaveCommand">
<Config name="connection" value="database"/>
6. Edit DLG_SAVE_UNCONNECTED.xml by changing
<Enabled initial="false" when="FUZZY_CALL and
<Command value="SaveCommand"/>
to this:
<Enabled initial="false" when="FUZZY_CALL and
<Command value="SaveCommand">
<Config name="connection" value="database"/>
A limitation of running this way is that the managed server will not pick up new control zones that are used for populating fuzzy calls. If a control zone change is done that would affect that function, an administrator would have to run a refresh action on that managed server.
7. Change the project version of the file to have COMBOBOX_HD_SPATIAL referencing the Bing Map Server and layers you wish to configure, for example:
<ComboBoxPlacement start="1,relative" width="1" height="1"
<Editable initial="false"/>
<Key value="None"/>
<Key value="Oracle"/>
<Key value="Oracle with Outage Summary"/>
<Command value="RefreshCommand"/>
8. If you are adding this optional feature after installing and configuring the web application server (described in the sections starting with Web Application Configuration below), install your new Java configurations using the following command:
$ nms-install-config --java
9. Re-deploy and restart the Web Application in WebLogic NMS.