Server Based Documents
The OMA Documents panel allows you to access standard corporate documents. These documents can be updated from the NMS server so latest versions are available. Examples of documents that might be useful to store in NMS include standard procedures and safety documents; file types should be limited to types that OMA devices would most likely support, such as PDF, DOC, and so on.
Document Locations
Documents that you want to be available to OMA should be stored on your NMS server in the $(OPERATIONS_MODELS)/docs directory.
Document Configuration
In the NMS server in the $(OPERATIONS_MODELS)/docs directory, add a docs.json file that described the document files to be presented to the OMA user. Here is an example of the file format:
"name":"OPAL Safety Rules in Word Format",
"description":"The Oracle Power and Light safety rules document in word format.\nPlease read and follow these rules every day!",
"version":"Rev 6"
"name":"OPAL Safety Rules in PFD Format",
"description":"The Oracle Power and Light safety rules document in word format.\nPlease read and follow these rules every day!",
"version":"Rev 2"
This will look like this in OMA: