Identity Cloud Service Provider
The Oracle Network Management System Operations Mobile App supports login using the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS). IDCS requires the same configuration as the LDAP/AD user validation in the file described in the Using LDAP/AD User Validation section.
Identity Cloud Service – Setup
You will need to define two Applications in the Identity Cloud Service:
1. OMA Authentication Application
Define an Application for the OMA client to authenticate against.
Allowed Grant types should include Authorization Code and Implicit
Allow Non-HTTPS URLs checked
Redirect URL to a URL that runs a special IDCS login script required by OMA to get a message that the login was successful and return the login toke back to the OMA application (for example,
This application will be used to configure the OMA Client in the src\js\resources\config\loginSettings.js file:
self.IDCS_HOST = '';
self.IDCS_CLIENT_ID = '1a11a11a11111a11aa1a11a1a1111a1a';
2. NMS Authentication Application
Define an Application for the NMS WLS to use to authenticate credentials via the IDCS Integration Provider. This Application will contain both a Client ID and a Client Secret.
The Client Configuration will have the Register Client Checked
Allowed Grant Types will include (Resource Owner, Client Credentials, SAML2 Assertion, Refresh Token, Authorization Code, Implicit)
Allow non-HTTPS URLs checked
Redirector URL to an existing URL (for example,
Client Type: Confidential
Authorized Resources: Specific
Resources/Add Scope: NMSWLS/OMATest
Grant the Client Access to the Identity Cloud Service APIs (Cloud Gate, Application Administrator, Me, User Administrator).
Resources will include:
Registered Resources selected
Access Token Expiration set to 604800
Primary Audience set to the OMA Application Name.
3. Define Users and Groups
Users and Groups can be defined in IDCS directly or by configuring IDCS to connect to another authentication provider to get the user credentials and group membership. If using IDCS to define the users and groups, define the users and groups using the same group requirements as configured for the LDAP/AD in the file.
URL with IDCS Login Script
For OMA to get the IDCS login status and authorization token, you must provide a URL that the IDCS login process will call with the login status and token. This URL will contain a simple script that will analyze the parameters, pull out the login status and token, and message it back to OMA. And example of this can be found at:
and contains a one-page HTML document that looks like this:
<body> <h2>postMessage of Code</h2>
if (window.opener) window.opener.postMessage(, "*");
else window.postMessage(, "*");
</script> </body>
NMS WebLogic Managed Server – IDCS Integration Provider
In the NMS WebLogic Managed Server, the Oracle Identity Cloud Integrator Authentication
Provider will need to be added to your security realm:
1. Go to domain structures/Security Realms and select myrealm.
2. Select the Providers Tab
3. Click t the New button and give a name (for example, IDCS) and select Type OracleIdentityCloudIntegrator.
4. Set the Control Flag to Optional or Sufficient depending on whether additional providers are to be processed after this provider.
5. Set Active Types to include idcs_user_assertion, Idcs_user_assertion, and Authorization in the Chosen box, you can leave REMOTE_USER in the Available box.
6. Set the Provider Specific values as follows:
Host: (Base name of the IDCS server, not including the left most component, which is the hostname to be user later).
Port: 443
SSLEnabled: Checked
Tenant: hostname (The host name from the IDCS Cloud Server:
Client Id: Hexadecimal string from the IDCS Application Configuration General
Information Section
Client Secret: Hexadecimal string copied from the IDCS Application Configuration
Information Section
Confirm Client Secret: Same as Client Secret
Client Tenant: Leave Blank
All other values can remain defaulted.
7. Restart the NMS WebLogic Managed Server
Configure the OMA Client
The OMA Application will need to know about the IDCS configuration. Please set the src\js\resources\config\loginSettings.js file values to match the above IDCS configuration:
self.IDCS_HOST = '';
self.IDCS_CLIENT_ID = '1a11a11a11111a11aa1a11a1a1111a1a';