Build Operations Mobile Application
To build the OPERATIONS MOBILE APPLICATION, we have provided a template script in the install package.
Using a terminal window, change to your Oracle JET project directory where you unzipped
cd /Users/appbuild/OMA2
Look for the script.
Execute this script in order to build OMA. Here is the format of the command:
./ [-help] [options]
Also you may add the following options to set build mode:
--clean - clean out all build artifacts and exit without building
--noclean - do not clean out all build artifacts before starting the build
- The DEFAULT is to clean out all build artifacts before building
--oma - build OMA, which is the default when building from sdk/
--pwa - build as a PWA
--optimized - build optimized
--all - will build all permutations including:
- oma web non-optimized
- oma pwa non-optimized
- oma web optimized
- oma pwa optimized
--lock_packages <pkg-file>
- Specify this to make the build use the versions specified in the
package-lock.json file instead of the latest versions determined by
the package.json file. Useful to ensure no third party dependencies
change once development is complete and you want to ensure stability
and reproducability of the build
Also you may add the following options to alter proxy/registry information:
--proxy_url <url> - the URL for your proxy server (if required)
--proxy_port <port> - the port number for your proxy server (if required)
--registry_url <url> - The URL for an internal npm registry (if required)
Build applications are placed in the ./dist directory in sub-directories
based on application type and options. For example:
Recommended use of each application type:
1. dist/oma/www - Best for Development
2. dist/oma_pwa/www - Best for Production
3. dist/oma_optimized/www and dist/oma_pwa_optimized/www are experimental and will be productized in a future release.