Understanding Web Switching Management Windows
This section provides an overview of Switching Sheet windows. The standard configuration opens a switching sheet in the lower right quadrant of the workspace, but it may be moved anywhere within the workspace or maximized to the full workspace dimensions.
Each open switching sheet has its own tabbed window, which is labeled with a combination of the switching sheet type, number, and pressure zone ID, if the pressure zone field is populated. Multiple switching sheets are typically docked together and displayed as a tab group.
Note: Double-click any tab (or the empty area to the right of the tabs) to maximize the tab group; double-click again to restore the size.
Right-click the switching sheet tabs to access the context menu, which provides the following options:
Maximize: maximizes the sheet window.
Restore: restores the maximized window to its original size and position.
New Tab Group: displays the sheet separately.
Collapse Tab Groups: regroups separate windows into tab groups.
Windows...: opens a dialog box that lists all open sheets, which you can then:
Activate (that is, bring to front in a tab group) a single sheet.
Close selected sheets.
Close: closes the sheet.
Close All: closes all open sheets.
Close Others: closes all open sheets except the sheet that was right-clicked.