Using the Load Shed and Restoration Tool
Create a Load Shed Plan
1. To create a Load Shed switching plan, select one or more load group rows in the Load Groups table.
2. Click Create a Manual Switch Plan. A new Load Shed switching plan is generated with the switches of the selected load groups. The load shed plan number and its status are displayed against the selected load groups.
3. In the switch sheet, execute the steps.
A real outage event is created when a device is operated from a load shed switching sheet. The event will be displayed with Out-LoadShed in the Clues field and LoadShed plan number in the Plan # field.
4. Refresh the Load Shed and Restoration tool to see the last shed and restoration times against those devices. The rank of the load groups is also updated.
Note: A group can participate in only one Load Shed plan at any time. Only energized feeders will be part of a new load shed plan.
To see the list of impacted customers, click the Impacted Customers button ().
5. Click the Refresh button () to get latest information of the load groups.
6. Click the Focus button to () focus on the switch for the selected feeder.
Automatic Execution of SCADA Load Shed Steps
From the Switching Sheet Editor window's Steps tab, click the Execute all SCADA Load Shed Steps button (). All SCADA switch steps will be executed after prompting for confirmation. Note that separate isolation sequences will be executed in parallel. While the switching sheet steps are being executed, the switching sheet will be placed in View Only mode. Once the automatic execution of isolation steps has completed, restoration steps may be manually executed.
Note: The automatic execution of isolation sequences is based on the load group/block type. Any SCADA switch steps that are manually added under Load Shed - SCADA blocks are automatically executed upon clicking this button.
Deleting a Load Shed Plan
A load shed plan can be deleted before the sheet status changes to In Progress.