Using the Schematica Options Tab
The Schematica Options tab allows an administrator to configure the options for the initial schematic generation.
Understanding the Schematica Options Pane Components
The Schematica Options tab allows you to add, edit, remove, and execute the contents of each of the option. The Schematica Options tab displays the following fields and buttons:
The Schematica Options Pack drop‑down list allows you to select the option package to use for schematic generation.
The Options Category radio buttons allow you to the view options categorically for the selected option package (for example, execution options, feeder extent options, feeder grouping options, layout options, advanced layout options, class specification options).
The Options settings for selected option pack table populates with the currently configured options for the selected option package and category.
Up arrow over tray icon signifying exporting the data.Create Copy: Allows you to create a copy of the existing option package.
Add: Allows you to add a new option to the selected category for the selected option package.
Remove: Allows you to remove the selected option.
Edit: Allows you to edit the selected option.
Run: Allows you to run the schematic generation for the selected option package.
Export Configuration...: Generates SQL statements for the current state of the configuration associated with the Schematica Options tab. These SQL statements may then be saved to a file and/or printed.
Working with Schematica Options Tab Functions
Creating a Copy Pack
Create Copy allows you to create a copy of the existing schematica option packages. The copy may then be edited to add new options and modify existing options. To create copy for new option package, complete the following steps:
1. Click Up arrow over tray icon signifying exporting the data. Create Copy.
2. In the Copy Option Pack dialog box, select the copy pack from the Copy Pack drop‑down list.
3. In the New Pack field, enter a name for the new pack.
4. Click Save.
The Schematica Options Pack drop‑down list will display the new option pack and the Options settings for selected option pack table will display the initial options in the copied pack. You can then modify the pack options.
Adding an Option
To add a new option to an option package, complete the following steps:
1. Select the option package from the Schematica Option Package drop‑down list that you want to add the new option to.
2. Select the category form Options Category.
3. Click Add. The Add/Edit Option dialog box appears.
4. Enter the new option name in the Option Name field.
5. Enter the option value in the Option Value field.
6. Click Save. The Options settings for selected option package table updates with the new option.
If the option name already exists, an error will appear and you will have to modify the name.
Option names and syntax are documented in The Oracle Utilities Network Management System Configuration Guide.
Removing an Option
To remove an option from an option package, complete the following steps:
1. Select the option package from the Schematica Option Package drop down from which you wish to delete an option.
2. Select the category form Options Category under the option you wish to delete belongs to.
3. Select the option you wish to remove from the Options settings for selected option package table.
4. Click Remove. A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Yes to remove the option; click No to cancel the removal.
Editing an Option
To edit an existing option, complete the following steps:
1. Select the option package from the Schematica Option Package drop down under which the option you wish to edit comes under.
2. Select the category form Options Category whose option you wish to edit.
3. Select the option you wish to edit from the Options settings for selected option package table.
4. Click Edit. The Add/Edit Option dialog box appears. Make the desired changes.
5. Click Save to save the new option. The Options settings for selected option package table updates with the edited option.
Running the Schematic Generation
The Run button allows you to generate the schematic output for the selected option package. To generate the schematics and view results in the Web Workspace Viewer, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Option Package from the Schematica Option Package drop down for which you want to run the schematic generation
2. Click Run. The Maps to Generate dialog box opens. It defaults to All Maps radio button.
If you wish you to run the configured options on all maps, leave the selection as is, click OK, and view the results in the Viewer.
If you wish to apply the configured options only for specific maps, then select the Specific Maps radio button, and add the maps you wish run on in the Specific Maps field. Click OK and view the results in the Viewer.
Note: To view the output of the Schematic generation for any errors or warnings, complete the following steps:
Open a terminal and go to the logs folder (cd logs).
Open nms_schematica_output file to view the output (vi nms_schematica_output).
Saving Exported Schematica Options Configuration
To generate and save SQL statements for the current state of the configuration associated with the Schematica Options tab, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Schematica Options tab.
2. Click Export Configuration.... A dialog box appears indicating that the configuration is being generated.
3. Once the generation is finished, the Generated Configuration dialog box appears.
To save the generated SQL statements to a file, click Save. The Save Configuration File dialog box appears. Enter a name for the file in the File name field.
To print the generated SQL statements, click Print. The Print Preview dialog box appears.
Click the Cancel button to close the Generated Configuration dialog box