Live Energy Connect Integration
RTAdapter (when in database processing mode) can be configured to communicate with Oracle Live Energy Connect (LEC) servers. To enable this possibility the RT_HEARTBEAT_CYCLE SRS_RULE must be configured to be more than 0 (zero) AND valid LEC entries must be configured in the scada_links table. Under these conditions, RTAdapter will "search" for an available LEC server. If/when RTAdapter finds a responding LEC server it will send a RESTful message to activate it along with the Oracle RDBMS net_service_name entry that Oracle NMS is currently using to access the Oracle RDBMS. It is expected that LEC will have access to similar Oracle RDBMS configuration information and that a given Oracle net_service_name value within LEC will route to the same Oracle RDBMS instance as NMS.
Once an active LEC instance is identified, periodic (heartbeat) processing is used to validate the on-going availability of the LEC server. If the current LEC server fails to respond to a heartbeat request, RTAdapter will cycle through LEC servers defined in the scada_links table in priority order until one responds – at which point it is made active and the cycle continues.
In addition to the RT_HEARTBEAT_CYCLE rule, the RT_LEC_KEY SRS_RULE must be configured with a matching LEC key. This is more of a configuration validation token than a mechanism to secure communication between RTAdapter and LEC server. If RT_HEARTBEAT_CYCLE is set to 10 and the poll cycle for RTAdapter is every 3 seconds, then RTAdapter will execute a heartbeat every tenth cycle or every 10x3 (30) seconds.
The following is an example scada_links configuration for a single site (Site_A) where scada_id=100:
DELETE FROM scada_links;
INSERT INTO scada_links (id, site, scada_id, ws_url, priority, active) VALUES (1, 'Site_A', 100, '', 1, 'Y');
INSERT INTO scada_links (id, site, scada_id, ws_url, priority, active) VALUES (2, 'Site_A', 100, '', 2, 'Y');
INSERT INTO scada_links (id, site, scada_id, ws_url, priority, active) VALUES (3, 'Site_A', 100, '', 3, 'Y');
Note: The ws_url is not an actual URL but rather components of an actual URL that RTAdapter can build upon and leverage as needed to create actual URLs for connection and heartbeat processing.
Link processing debug is available in the standard RTAdapter logs to help work through configuration issues.
To dump current RTAdapter configuration, which shows SRS_RULE and other configuration, including available link information.
Action any.RTDBAdapter dump
To monitor LEC link establishment and/or heartbeat activity:
Action any.RTDBAdapter debug rt_link 1->3
It is also possible to shutdown LEC processing on demand for testing:
Action any.RTDBAdapter scada 0
And turn it back on to start a new search for an available LEC server:
Action any.RTDBAdapter scada 1