High-Level Messages
SCADA component of the NMS MultiSpeak adapter responds to several high-level messages. High-level message can be sent using Action command-line utility.
Action -java multispeak.SCADA <message>
Following messages are supported:
Forces adapter to reload configuration for the SCADA component.
RESYNC [statuses|analogs|tags] [<scada id>|<scada name>]
Initiates synchronization sequence.
If 'statuses', 'analogs' or 'tags' qualifier is present in the message then synchronization sequence is executed only for that particular data flow. Otherwise full synchronization sequence is executed.
If <scada id> or <scada name> is specified then synchronization sequence is executed only for the designated SCADA system. Otherwise synchronization sequence is executed for all SCADA systems the adapter is connected to.
FOCUS <user> <device> [<display>] [<action>]
Causes HighlightObjectInDisplay message to be sent to the SCADA system(s). This message is used for display integration between NMS and SCADA system. For example, NMS operator can select a SCADA device in NMS viewer and trigger action, which would cause the same device to be selected/highlighted on SCADA system's display.
<user> - username of SCADA operator
<device> - NMS device handle
<display> - SCADA display
<action> - action to perform
The AMR component of the NMS MultiSpeak adapter responds to several high-level messages. High-level message can be sent using Action command-line utility.
Action -java multispeak.AMR <message>
The following messages are supported:
PING <meter id>
Initiates "urgent" meter ping request for a single meter. <meter id> is the internal NMS meter identifier. When response to this ping request is received, the high-level message PING_RESPONSE is sent to the client, which initiated the ping.
PING_RESPONSE <meter id> <meter status> <raw meter status>
Response to the PING message. This is an outgoing message. It should not be sent to the adapter. The client, which sent the PING message, is expected to handle this message.
<meter id> - the same meter identifier, which was sent in the PING message being responded to.
<meter status> - meter status.
Possible values:
ON - meter has power
OFF - meter does not have power
UNKNOWN - undetermined meter status
ERROR - error occurred while trying to ping the meter
<raw meter status> - raw meter status value as received from the AMR/AMI system.